I N D E X 1 0 9 1 Sudriers, Victor, 705n Summation convention, 198n, 200 Sun, 883a, 953 rotation of belts of, 576, 883a spots, magnetic fields of, 521 Superconductivity across interfaces, 412 and atomic volume, Zangger on, 412 explained by electron gas, 590 Kamerlingh Onnes on resistivity at interfaces, 443 superconducting chains, AE on, 443 Superposition, implies Maxwell equations, 393 Sutherland, William (1859–1911), 834a Sverdlick, Luis, 700 Swiss Embassy in Berlin, solicits lecture for Basler Staatsbürgerkurse, 854a, 861a Swiss National Library, and AE’s publications, 353 Synge, Edward H. (1890–1957), 5 Synge, John Lighton (1897–1995), 5n Szilard, Leo, lxxxii, xlii, xlvi, 880a repetition of Compton experiment, 318–319 Tallqvist, Hjalmar, 806 Talmey, Max (1869–1941), lviii Tanagras, Anghelos, 892a Tanakadate, Aikitu, 10n Tank, Franz (1890–1981), 853a AE honorary member of Physikalische Gesellschaft Zu- rich, 900a Tannenbaum, Simon, 876a, 877a Taoism, AE on, 750, 751 Taylor expansion, 591 Technion opening of, AE invited to, 898a Weizmann on, 603–604 Technology, and science, 999 Tel-Aviv, 47 Telegraphy, and Rayleigh scattering, 366 Telescope, theory of, 365 Temperature absolute, introduced by W. Thomson, 459 absolute zero, 585, 650 as elementary concept, 725 Tensor, metric, 960, 961 Tensor densities, in affine theory, 196 Tensors, 949, 961 symmetric and anti-symmetric, 949 theory of, 745 Ternier, Louis, 17n Tetrode, Hugo (1895–1931), AE praises, 629 Tetrode-Sackur equation, 441n Teubner Publishing House on republication of Einstein 1915a and 1915b, 526, 871a, 881a requests AE’s opinion on translation of Mar- colongo’s book, 865a The New York World, solicits replies to questions, 226, 855a Theodolite, 403 Thermal expansion coefficient, 102 Thermal forces in dilute gases, 448 and electron gas, 590 at low temperatures, 579 Thermodynamics, 997 abstract, Zangger on, 357 founded by Clausius and Thomson, 459 history of, 725 Thirring, Hans (1888–1976), 664, 859a, 861a on German cooperation in ICIC bibliography project, 610 letter to Lorentz, 611n Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin) (1824–1907), AE on centenary of, 458–460 Thost, Ernst, on teaching relativity in school, 841a Thought experiment, Halpern on reflection at mirror, 336n Tides, Newtonian explanation of, 761 Time AE on Winternitz’s criticism of Kant on, 241 definition of, 126, 129, 945 ideality of, 502 redefined by idea of relativity, 327 in relativity theory, 128 Tolman, Richard (1881–1948), 512 Töplitz, Emil, 890a Traube, Isidor, 824a, 826a Trautz, Max, requests KWIP funds for measure- ment of specific heat of gases, 846a Travel faster than light, Eberty on, 96n Trowbridge, Augustus (1870–1934), 899a Trumpler, Robert (1886–1956), 36 Truth according to neo-Kantians, AE on, 499 aim of research and science, 739 American ideal of, 752 concept of in pragmatism, 753