I N D E X 1 0 8 9 congratulates for observation of light deflec- tion, 37 Silva Mello, Antônio da (1886–1973), 697, 698, 706n, 723 Simon, Hugo (1880–1950), 181n Simon, Julius, 846a Simplicity, as criterion for unified field theory, 133 Simultaneity in classical physics, 945 concept of, 524n definition of, 861a, 864a, 998 relativity of, 852a in theory of relativity, 288, 327 Quint on, 852a, 861a, 864a Sinclair, Upton (1878–1968), 638n petition for release of, 843a Singularities and electrons, 264 mechanical properties of, 273 of overdetermined field as electrons, 290, 295 Sirius, 839a, 841a, 842a spectrum of, 836a Sitter, Willem de (1872–1934), 20, 74, 181, 620, 633 on anniversary of University of Leyden, 601 solution of gravitational field equations, xxxix Slater, John (1900–1976), lx Slevogt, Max (1868–1932), 865a Slowo Publishing House, royalties for Russian edition of Einstein 1920j and 1921c, 839a Smekal, Adolf (1895–1959), 859a on doubts about Einstein 1924o, lxx, 664 on Gibbs’s paradox, 593n Smoke, 450 Smoluchowski, Marian von (1872–1917), 826a Sobral, 964 Society of Psychic Research in Athens, diploma of, 888a, 892a Socis, J., 469 Sodium, radiation experiments in vapor of, 250 Soehring, Otto, invites AE to meet, 896a Solar atmosphere, light defection in, 100n Solar research, and Einstein Tower, 368 Solar system, AE on evolution of, 576 Solar magnetism. See Magnetism Solid-state physics, Born’s work on lattice theory, 22 Solovine, Maurice (1875–1958), lxxii, 67, 298 asks for Einstein 1922t, 545, 878a on Bergson’s philosophy, 842a on his trip to US, 840a on Nordmann 1921, 840a proposes series of books on achievements of Jewish mind, 842a requests AE’s curriculum vitae, 545, 878a requests details of AE’s philosophical interests, 545, 878a on royalties for French editions of Einstein 1920j and 1921b, 840a, 878a Solvay Congress AE is invited to, 169, 179, 840a Germans not excluded, Lorentz on, 183 program of, 848a Sommerfeld against AE’s participation in, 169, 183 Sommerfeld, Arnold (1868–1951), xli, xliv, xlvi, lxv, lxxxii, 22, 297, 329n, 409, 446, 466, 554n, 679n, 858a, 867a, 874a, 985 AE finds too intellectual, 167 AE proposes for Nobel Prize, 220 on AE’s participation in the Solvay Congress, 169, 183 discusses Compton effect with AE and Kossel in Lautrach, 164, 166, 188n helps Friedrich Mayer, 858a, 861a poem on AE’s farewell poem to Lautrach, 407 quantum law of, 610 quantum rule of and De Broglie, 587 Souza, Mário de, 708n Soviet Commission for People’s Education, 356–357 Soviet Union government of invites AE to Moscow, 180, 189 terror in, AE on, 638 Space absolute, 518 AE on Winternitz’s criticism of Kant on, 241 different meaning for physicists and philoso- phers, 502 discontinuous, Joachim on, 274n, 852a, 857a finite, 970 and closed, 520 geometry of, Joachim on, 852a ideality of, 502 isotropy of, 949 Natorp on, 501 Newtonian, has physical reality, 517 physical qualities of as ether, 515 spherical, intuition of, AE lectures on, 692
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