D O C U M E N T 3 2 9 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 4 5 1 1 If you could spend the winter quarter here the Carnegie Institution of Washing- ton and the Norman Bridge Laboratory together will provide a stipend of $3500, which would pay all expenses of yourself and Mrs. Einstein from Germany here and back with entire ease, and leave at least a half of the stipend to be used for other purposes. This is precisely the arrangement which I made with Dr. Lorentz and Dr. Ehrenfest, with both of whom you have doubtless had opportunity to discuss the advantages or disadvantages of spending a winter at Pasadena. You will perhaps be interested to know that Dr. Lorentz, who was here two years ago, has agreed to re- turn again, and we have definitely arranged to have him here during the winter of 1925–1926. We should like it immensely if you could find your way clear to spend the winter quarter here this year, and the problems that are now on both at the Mount Wilson Observatory and the Institute would make it, I think, a particularly favorable year for you to get in touch with our work. If for any reason it is impossible to make such an arrangement for this year, would you keep this matter in mind and let us know the first year in which it would be possible for you to spend the winter quarter with us? Dr. Merriam, the President of the Carnegie Institution, Dr. Hale, Dr. Adams and Dr. St. John of the Mount Wilson Observatory,[6] myself and Dr. Epstein,[7] all join in the most hearty invitation to you to spend in this way the coming January and February, March also if possible, with us at the Institute. You could be here for merely two months if you wished, or for three if you found it feasible, and I am sure that you would find the conditions both interesting and stimulating for your own work. If there is any possibility of your accepting such an invitation as this during the coming winter, might I ask you to cable me upon receipt of this to that effect. In- deed, it would be an accommodation to me if you would cable me in any case, ad- dressing simply “Millikan, Pasadena”, and then saying in addition “can come” or “cannot come” as the case may be. You will of course send this cable collect. The reason it would be an accommodation for me if you could do this is, that in case you do not come this year it is probable that it may not be too late to carry through some alternative arrangements which I have in mind, but I hope very much that no such alternative will be necessary. Dr. Merriam tells me that Dr. Baur has already written you something about their desire to get you to attempt to see if some generalizations cannot be obtained from the mass of magnetic material which they have obtained,[8] and you are to under- stand that this letter is one which has been written after consultation with Dr. Mer- riam, Dr. Baur, and the Director the Mount Wilson Observatory, so that it represents
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D O C U M E N T 3 2 9 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 4 5 1 1 If you could spend the winter quarter here the Carnegie Institution of Washing- ton and the Norman Bridge Laboratory together will provide a stipend of $3500, which would pay all expenses of yourself and Mrs. Einstein from Germany here and back with entire ease, and leave at least a half of the stipend to be used for other purposes. This is precisely the arrangement which I made with Dr. Lorentz and Dr. Ehrenfest, with both of whom you have doubtless had opportunity to discuss the advantages or disadvantages of spending a winter at Pasadena. You will perhaps be interested to know that Dr. Lorentz, who was here two years ago, has agreed to re- turn again, and we have definitely arranged to have him here during the winter of 1925–1926. We should like it immensely if you could find your way clear to spend the winter quarter here this year, and the problems that are now on both at the Mount Wilson Observatory and the Institute would make it, I think, a particularly favorable year for you to get in touch with our work. If for any reason it is impossible to make such an arrangement for this year, would you keep this matter in mind and let us know the first year in which it would be possible for you to spend the winter quarter with us? Dr. Merriam, the President of the Carnegie Institution, Dr. Hale, Dr. Adams and Dr. St. John of the Mount Wilson Observatory,[6] myself and Dr. Epstein,[7] all join in the most hearty invitation to you to spend in this way the coming January and February, March also if possible, with us at the Institute. You could be here for merely two months if you wished, or for three if you found it feasible, and I am sure that you would find the conditions both interesting and stimulating for your own work. If there is any possibility of your accepting such an invitation as this during the coming winter, might I ask you to cable me upon receipt of this to that effect. In- deed, it would be an accommodation to me if you would cable me in any case, ad- dressing simply “Millikan, Pasadena”, and then saying in addition “can come” or “cannot come” as the case may be. You will of course send this cable collect. The reason it would be an accommodation for me if you could do this is, that in case you do not come this year it is probable that it may not be too late to carry through some alternative arrangements which I have in mind, but I hope very much that no such alternative will be necessary. Dr. Merriam tells me that Dr. Baur has already written you something about their desire to get you to attempt to see if some generalizations cannot be obtained from the mass of magnetic material which they have obtained,[8] and you are to under- stand that this letter is one which has been written after consultation with Dr. Mer- riam, Dr. Baur, and the Director the Mount Wilson Observatory, so that it represents

