I N D E X 1 0 3 1 Gerlands Beiträge zur Geophysik, AE invited to collaborate in reviving, 917a, 919a German Jewish Social Democrats, propaganda of against Zionism, 383, 909a German League of Human Rights, 46, 866, 872a, 874a, 875a, 876a, 897a, 920a, 948a, 962a Einstein offers to resign from board of, xl, 272 German National People’s Party, lxviii German scientists admission of to international events, Lorentz in favor of, 113 chauvinism strengthens among, AE on, 113 Germans in U.S. and Germany, AE invited to im- prove relationship between, 919a Germis, solicits assistance for Eastern European Jewish students in Germany, 882a Gerschkowitz, 880a Gesellschaft der Bessarabier in Deutschland, so- licits support for appeal for Bessarabia, 876a Gesellschaft der Freunde der Jerusalem- Bibliothek on shipping reports, books, reprints from AE’s apartment to University and National Li- brary in Jerusalem, 885a thanks AE for minutes of ICIC, 891a Gesellschaft für nautische Instrumente, legal dis- pute with Anschütz & Co., 90n, 353 Gesellschaft für Zeitmesskunde, invites AE to join, 918a Geßler, Otto, 393n Ghosh, Jyotirmaya on gravitational field equations, 961a sends paper on gravitation, 950a AE on, 952a Ghost charge, Schlomka on, 677 Ghost field, Born on, 647 Gibbs, J. Willard (1839–1903), 315, 539, 618 Gide, Charles, 309n Ginzberg, Solomon (1889–1968), 75n, 205, 250n, 299, 328, 329, 334, 521n, 527n, 818 BOGHU, 1st meeting, Tel Aviv, sends minutes of, 870a, 877a Hebrew University, Microbiological Depart- ment, sends report on, 880a improper behavior of, AE on, 205 Ginzberg, U. (Ahad Ha’am), 890a correspon- dence with Zionist Executive, 877a Giorgi, Giovanni (1871–1950), criticizes Mill- er’s experiments, 77, 874a Glitscher, Karl, 203n, 870a AE on character of, 89 Globular star clusters, lxiii Glöckel, Leopoldine, AE fails to find publisher for manuscript of, 959a Glum, Friedrich, 930a AE recommends Pras- antha Mahalanobis to, 948a Gockel, Albert, Westphal on position of, 957a, 958a Godal, Erich, 361 Godart, Justin, 309n Goldman, Dr., 906a Goldmann, Nahum (1895–1982), 49, 236, 622n, 905a Goldschmidt, Jakob (1882–1955), pledges en- dowment for Hebrew University, 383 Goldschmidt, Victor, 917a on anti-Semitism and nationalism in Berlin, 889a on position at Technische Hochschule in Ber- lin, 889a Goldsmid, Albert, 937a Goldstein, Alexander (1884–1949), 747 Goldstein, Eugen on anti-Semitism at technical universities of Hanover and Berlin, 925a on Enzyklopädie des Judentums, 925a Gonseth, Ferdinand (1890–1975), 44, 87 Gonzenbach, Wilhelm von (1880–1955), AE asks opinion on marriage of Hans Albert Ein- stein, 155n, 174, 178 Goodnow, Frank J. (1859–1939), 730n, invites AE for, 1–2 year visit at Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, 961a Göttingen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, or- ganizes Riemann celebrations, 909a Göttingen Mathematische Gesellschaft, Riemann celebrations, 909a Goudsmit, Samuel (1902–1978), 235, 422, 424n, 552n, 729n Grabski, Wáadysáaw, 630n Graeser, Wolfgang, on his theory of many- dimensional world of sound and music, 896a Graetz, Paul, 361 Grautoff, Otto (1876–1937), on Karo 1926, 66, 874a solicits information on international boycott of German science, 874a Grantham, bicentenary of death of Newton cele- brated in, xci-xcii Gravitation as difference between attraction and repulsion of elementary charges, 680
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