1 0 3 0 I N D E X Frankel, Max (1900–1975), 472n Frankenberger, assistant to Mie, 905a Frank-Gerson, Hania (1894–1967), 71 Frankl, Oskar, Prague Urania invites AE to, 935a invites AE to lecture at, 946a, 948a AE de- clines, 948a solicits contribution to Urania issued on tenth anniversary of, 953a Fréedericksz, Vsevolod, on “over-Riemannian” geometry, 912a French Committee for Advancement of Hebrew University, founding of, AE asked for sup- port, 899a Frenkel, Jakov (1894–1952), 424n Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939), 901a, 939a collected works of, Internationaler Psychoana- lytischer Verlag, sends to AE, 888a, 891a proposed as member of BOGHU, 74 70th birthday congratulations for, 458, 919a, 922a Freund, Hugo (1890–1974), xci offers AE psycho- analysis, to be published in Weltbühne, 714–715 AE declines, 715 Freund, Marya, 922a Freundlich, Erwin Finlay (1885–1964), 873a, 881a, 882a AE on character of, 121 eclipse expedition of, 1926 to Sumatra, 881 on Einstein-Stiftung, 882a Freymuth, 902a Fried, Alfred H., 393n Friedensbund der Kriegsteilnehmer offers honorary presidency, 918a solicits donation for liberation of Wandt, 897a Friedländer, 904a Friedländer, Miss, 951a Friedmann, Hermann, on special definition of time and special relativity, 927a, 929a Friedrich, Walter, 883a, 944a Friends of the Hebrew University, Rosenblüth proposes Romanian chapter of, 941a Fromer, Jakob, 928a on Spinoza, 956a Frontin, Paulo, 894a Frost, Edwin B. (1866–1935), solicits obituary of Julius, 201, 889a Fuchs, Eduard, 361 Füchtbauer, Christian, requests KWIP funds for investigation of intensity of spectral lines, 905a, 932a Fuess, R. Fabrik für Messinstrumente, send cata- log, 916a Fujiwara, Matsusaburǀ, 917a Fulda, Ludwig, 332n, invites AE to join honor- ary committee of PEN Club congress, 903a Fulda, Ludwig, Mrs., 946a Fülöp-Miller, René, sends Fülöp-Miller 1927, 959a Fürstenberg, Carl (1850–1933), AE’s birthday verse for, 117, 176 two jokes on, 117 Fürth, Reinhold, 817n Galactic center, Earth’s motion around, lxiii Galilei, Galileo, 784 Lämmel on preservation of documents of, 931a, 932a, 936a, 938a on undisturbed motion, 794–795 Gärtner, Josef (Rolf) (1887–1973), sentenced for presenting revolutionary poem, 145 Gas degeneracy, Meißner on testing AE’s theory of, 656 Gaviola, Ramón, Rockefeller fellowship for, 954a, 956a Tisdale interviews for, 956a Gauge invariance, xlix, 743 Geddes, Patrick, 880a, invites AE and Elsa Ein- stein to Collège des Ecossais in Montpellier, 899a, 900a, 905a Gehrcke, Ernst, 78n Geiger-Bothe experiment, AE on, 101, 126 General Electric, 222 Haber on sponsorship of German electrophysical research by, 937a Geodesic equation, xlviii, 399n, 411–413, 684, 754– 755 Geomagnetism AE on, xlix–l, 952a caused by rotating neutral mass AE on, 670, 745 experiments in flight on, AE on, 767–768, 951a Schlomka on, 677–681, 762–765, 951a, 953a, 956a Swann on, 723 and unified theory, xlix–l Geometrization, of fields, xxxix, li AE on, 387, 402, 424 Besso on, 87 Reichenbach on, 380–381, 398, 411–412 Georg, Manfred, 361 Gerlach, Hellmut von, 146n, 511n, 902a Gerlach, Walther (1889–1979), 71 participates in magnetism week in Zurich, 510