8 6 6 C H R O N O L O G Y 1 9 2 7 1927 before January 11 Sends ca. 800 publications to the Hebrew University via the Gesellschaft der Freunde der Jerusalem-Bibliothek. Jüdische Rundschau, 11 January 1927. January 15 Elected honorary member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences (Abs. 739). ca. January 27–31 Hans Albert visits AE in Berlin (Doc. 467). before February 1 Cosigns Sammelkarte for the funding of the campaign against “Justizschmach” as member of the board of the Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte. Die Menschenrechte 2/3 (1 February 1927): [16]. before February 22 The Yiddish newspaper Der Tog reports that AE has informed Judah L. Magnes that he intends to resign from the BOGHU because of his dissatisfaction with the manner in which the Institute of Jewish Studies is being run. AE has denied the report and stated that the disagreements pertain to other matters. Jüdische Rundschau, 22 February 1927. February 23 Lectures at the Mathematisch-physikalische Arbeitsgemein- schaft of the University of Berlin on “Theoretisches und Experimentelles zur Frage der Lichtenstehung” (Appendix G). Vossische Zeitung, 24 February 1927, EE. and Berliner Tageblatt, 25 February 1927, ME. February 28 Attends constitutive meeting of the Committee to Foster Jewish Music in Palestine at the Berlin home of Bernhard Kahn. Elected honorary president of the committee. Jewish Daily Bulletin, 1 March 1927, and Jüdische Rundschau, 4 March 1927. on or before March 31 Eduard arrives in Berlin to stay with AE (Doc. 507). March 31 AE’s speech on the 200th anniversary of Isaac Newton’s death (Doc. 506) is broadcast on the Berlin station of the Deutsche Welle. Berliner Tageblatt, 30 March 1927, EE. April 4–ca. April 11 AE vacations with Eduard at Kapellensee near Rheinsberg, northwest of Berlin (Docs. 507, 508). before April 13 Elected member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. Vossische Zeitung, 13 April 1927, ME. May 25 Attends reception for Felix M. Warburg at the home of Bernhard Kahn. Jüdische Rundschau, 31 May 1927.