I N D E X 6 7 7
Nicolai, Georg F. (1874–1964): xliv, 17n, 34n,
71, 134n, 385n, 387, 475, 476n, 478, 490n,
551c, 562c, 564c, 576c, 598c; asks AE to sign
war-guilt resolution, 571c; flees Germany,
384n; lectures disrupted at University of Ber-
lin, 384n; on books for Russia, 578c; prospect
of lecturing, 475–476; protests murders of
Liebknecht and Luxemburg, 384n; right-
wing attacks on, 384, 387; visits with Gross-
mann, 483; wartime psychological assess-
ments of, 484n
Nobel prize: AE on chance of receiving, 9–10,
306; AE recommended for, 550c, 551c, 552c,
596c, 597c; to Haber, 308n; to Planck, 239n,
248, 308n; to Stark, 308n. See also EINSTEIN,
Noddack, Walter, 294n
Nole, W., 321n
Nordmann, Charles (1881–1940), 395
Nordström, Gunnar (1881–1923): 16, 112n, 145;
five-dimensional theory of, 39n; on concept
of rigidity in general relativity, 474n
Northcliffe, Lord (1865–1922), 256
Norwegian Students’ Union, invites AE to Uni-
versity of Oslo, 607c
Noske, Gustav (1868–1946), 28
Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach, 339
Noyons, Adriaan (1878–1941), 54, 113, 164n
Nutting, Perley (1873–?), 31
Occupied Enemy Territory Administration, 197n
Das Odeon, 391–392, 394–395
Oettingen, Arthur von (1836–1920), 235, 588c
Olschki, Leonardo (1885–1961): 606c; Schlick
on, 314
Olympia Academy, 450n
Oppenheim, Felix (1913–?), 360n
Oppenheim, Jacques (1849–1924), 287
Oppenheim, Moritz N. (1848–1933): 168, 537n;
philanthropic activities of, 142
Oppenheim, Paul (1885–1977): 84, 142, 157,
158n, 159n, 167, 173, 530, 536, 611c; aks AE
to lecture in Frankfurt, 604; donation for
Academy for the Science of Judaism, 173; in-
vites AE to Frankfurt, 255, 360; on AE’s de-
cision to remain in Germany, 255; on
classification of sciences, 174, 256; disinter-
est in science of Judaism, 168; on silhouettes
made by AE, 359; proposes French edition of
AE’s popular book on relativity, 531; search-
es for an assistant, 280
Oppenheim, Samuel (1857–1928), 373, 535
Oppenheim-Edle von Kuffner, Katharina (1862–
1933), 537n
Oppenheim-Errera, Felix, 595c
Oppenheim-Errera, Gabriella (1892–1998?),
256, 360, 537n
Oppenheimer, Franz (1863–1943), lecture in
Holland, 415
Optics of moving bodies: Harres on, 207–209;
Laue on, 207–209, 219–220, 296; Zeeman
on, 209, 296
Orion nebula, redshift of stars in, 25
Ornstein, Leonard S. (1880–1941): 247, 255n,
267, 502; and Hebrew University, 287, 316,
332, 415; proposes AE for Nobel prize, 596c
Oscillations, electrical, research funded by
KWIP, 567c
Oslo: AE to lecture in, 496–497, 505n, 508, 536,
Osram GmbH, 148n, 463
Ostwald, Wilhelm (1853–1932): 348n; at begin-
ning of WW I, 348
Overdetermination of classical variables, AE on,
387, 403, 458, 460, 498
Oxford University Press. See Publishers
Pagenstecher, Rudolf (1886–1921), 314
Painlevé, Paul, 614c
Palatini, Attilio (1889–1949), AE on article by
Palestine: 197n, 253, 293, 332; Appeal “Für den
Aufbau des jüdischen Palästina,” AE signs,
579c; British Mandate in, 197n; economic
and sanitary conditions in, 334n; Jewish
homeland in, 212, AE on, 181, 222, 307, op-
timistic perspectives for, 197; planned Jewish
state in, 16
Palestine Foundation Fund, 193
Paneth, Friedrich (1887–1958), 252
Pannekoek, Antonie (1873–1960), 505n
Paquet, Alfons (1881–1944), 94
Paris Peace Conference: Allies at, 110; British
exclusion of Soviet Russia, 36n
Paris Peace Treaty. See Versailles Peace Treaty
Pasch, Moritz (1843–1930), 45n, 71
Paschen, Friedrich (1865–1947): 20, 72n, 149,
217, 367n, 376; on Franck, 366; requests
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