5 9 6 I N D E X
Reale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, AE for-
eign member of, 465c
Rebholz, Ludwig, raises AE’s rent, 425c
Recouly, Raymond, 342n
Redshift. See Gravitational redshift
Réfik, M., and French translation of Einstein
1916f, 482c, 488c
Reichenbach, Hans (1891–1953), xxxix, 102n,
114, 438c 114, 438c
on axiomatic approach to relativity, 311–313
proposes bibliography on relativity, 51
Reichenbach, Karl von, on Od, 70n
Reichinstein, David (1882–1955), 430c
Reichspatentamt, 339n
Reissner, Hans (1874–1967)
on Einstein 1916e, 131–132
explains Reissner 1920, 131–132
Relativity, general theory of
account of, 520a
boundary conditions in, 315
breaking train example in, 315–316
centrally symmetric static solution, 369
closed timelike curves in, 119n, 257
conformal invariance in, 97n
coordinate condition in, 9–10
De Sitter on, 8–10
eclipse observations, Lenard on, 364n
without electromagnetic potentials, 130
Foucault pendulum in, AE on, 69
Grommer’s book on, 119, 255
Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates in, 370n
harmonic coordinates in, 10n
interest in, 279
invariants in, 116–118, 118–119
Kronig’s test of, 317
metric interpretation line element of as core of
theory, 369
and molecular physics, 95–96
Painlevé’s objections to, 354, 387; AE on,
368–369, 374
with ratios of metric tensor, 85–86, 97, 110
Reichenbach’s axiomatic approach to, 311–
Silberstein’s lectures on, 273
vs. special theory of, 514a
test of: during eclipse of 1922, 376; by light de-
flection, 262; by perihelion motion of inner
planets, 260
unimodular coordinates in, 11n
Weyl tensor in, 255–257, 331–333
Zangger on reception of, 21
Relativity, principle of, 530a
Relativity, special theory of
contradiction with observation, Silberstein on,
221, 227–228, 239; AE on, 300–301, 375
definition of simultaneity in, 314–315
double stars in, 227, 239–240, 275, 300–301,
fundamental principle of, 508a
vs. general theory of, 514a
historical development of, 514a
observers and frames of reference in, 295
without rigid rulers and material clocks, 313
space and time in, 294
stellar aberration in, 239, 275, 300–301, 375
synchronicity in, 311–313
transformation properties of light quantum in,
Zschimmer on, 295n
Relativity theory, AE on name of, 294
Renner, Willy (1855–1922), 377
Research in industry after WWI, 296
Reuterdahl, Arvid, challenges AE to debate, xl,
Reval, 43, 438c, 439c
Ricci-Curbastro, Gregorio (1853–1925), 510a
Ricci tensor, five-dimensional, xlviii
Richardson, 457c
Richter, Werner (1887–1960), 266, 292
nominates AE and Laue for board of Astro-
physical Observatory, 465c, 466c
solicits opinion on paper, 427c, 428c
Riemann, Bernhard (1826–1866), 510a
Rockefeller Institute, assistance of for German
Jewish biologists, 229
Rödelberger, Franz (1863–1926), 13
Roediger, C., 440c, 448c, 459c
Roethe, Gustav (1859–1926), xxxi, 127; on AE’s
salary, 439c, 476c
Rolland, Romain (1866–1944), 21, 22n, 110,
Rongy, Abraham, 105n
Röntgen, Wilhelm (1845–1923), 190
Rosenbloom, Solomon (1866–1925), 176; on
Hebrew University, 167–168, 175
Rosenbloom-Neumark, Cecilia (1888–1947),
Rosenblüth, Felix, 487c
g 1 =
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