4 2 8 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
equipment. Asks whether Debye’s report is available, and
whether the ownership of the equipment has been trans-
ferred to the KWIP as agreed. [77 331].
TLS from Vieweg. Accept AE’s firm stand on the 15%
required of the Polish publishing house, as well as to the 1/3
and 2/3 share of the flat rate. AE’s impression that they had
earlier proposed 50–50% for translations is based on a mis-
understanding. [42 086].
Jan 26 ADft to Richter, Ministry of Education. Frank’s ideas are
unclear to him; using crystal optics does not seem helpful to
understand processes that take place in the eye. [43 717].
ALS from Martha Lorenz. Thanks for AE’s promise to
deliver a popular lecture for “unsere notleidenden gebilde-
ten Stände” (Alterstrostwoche) “im Schöneberger Rathaus-
saal” on 28 Feb. According to AE’s wish, they will not
advertise it to the public nor will they sell tickets. [43 040].
TLS from Otto Weiss. The board of the Physikalisch-ökono-
mische Gesellschaft in Königsberg unanimously decided to
offer him corresponding membership. His only “duty”
would be to accept their literary productions once a year.
[30 132].
Jan 27 Presents “Geometry and Experience” (Vol. 7, Doc. 52) to a
public session of the PAW to commemorate the birthday of
Friedrich II “The Great,” King of Prussia.
TLS from M&Co. 1,000.15 M were transferred to AE at the
expense of the KWIP. [77 895].
Jan 28 TLS to Friedrich Schmidt-Ott. Peter Debye had ordered a
high-voltage transformer from Siemens for the 16,030 M,
that was ready in the fall of 1920, but which ended up cost-
ing multiples of the original amount allocated. Debye, who
has moved to Zurich, agreed to purchase the equipment for
the ETH there and to reimburse the KWIP for the cost,
including interest. [77 332].
ALS from Louis G. Du Pasquier. Solicits a foreword for his
book on the theory of relativity. [19 026].
The Berliner Tageblatt incorrectly announces that AE will
shortly lecture in Paris.