1 7 6 D O C U M E N T 1 3 5 M A Y 1 9 2 1
will try to interest other men who can contribute largely. It will be my pleasure to
inform you from time to time as we are progressing.
It is a matter of great regret all over Pittsburgh that you did not honor our city
with your visit. Everybody looked forward to your coming. Of course, as to the
promising of funds from our people here for the University, I was unable to make
such a promise beforehand, but your visit undoubtedly would have stimulated in-
terest in the movement.
In my letter of May 2nd, addressed to your secretary in
I expressed
my keen disappointment at your not coming here, which Mrs. Rosenbloom also
Thanking you again for the courtesy of your letter which was very illuminating
and explicit, I remain, with kindest regards from Mrs. Rosenbloom and myself to
you, my dear Professor, and Mrs.
Very sincerely yours
Sol. Rosenbloom
TLS (IsJCZA, L12/110). [86 011]. Written on letterhead “S. Rosenbloom & Company Importers &
Wholesale Non Beverage [------] Merchants Pittsburgh, Pa.,” and addressed “Prof. A. Einstein, c/o
Commodore Hotel, New York, N. Y.”
[1]Doc. 127.
[2]See Rosenbloom 1921.
[3]The negotiations between Weizmann and the Brandeis-Mack faction over the latter’s coopera-
tion with the University Fund apparently broke down at the last moment “because of the Fund’s
official designation (‘of the Keren Hayesod’)”; see Ginossar 1950, p. 73. After two weeks of “prom-
ising negotiations,” Weizmann had unilaterally proclaimed the establishment of Keren Hayesod in the
United States on 17 April (see Urofsky and Levy 1991, p. 73).
[4]Ginzberg later wrote that the inadequate preparations for Einstein’s visit had been explained
by at least one pro-Weizmann Zionist as follows: “we did not want Einstein to take away the
money that was waiting for Weizmann.” See Ginossar (Ginzberg) 1950, p. 73.
[5]Einstein had expressed this view in Doc. 127.
[6]Loewe (1869–1951) was a librarian and head of the Oriental section of the Berlin University
Library. He was asked to apply modern library techniques to Jewish libraries in Palestine and to lead
efforts in Germany on behalf of the National Library in Jerusalem (see Schidorsky 1999 and Loewe
[7]As a distillery owner (see Doc. 127, note 1).
[8]Solomon Ginzberg.
[9]Celia Rosenbloom-Neumark (1888–1947) was active in Jewish women’s and educational orga-
nizations, and with her husband engaged in philanthropic work.
[10]Elsa Einstein.