4 6 6 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
Jul 29 TLS from Muller (Methuen). Reminds that a few weeks ear-
lier they had requested AE’s opinion of an English edition
of AE’s two books published in France (Einstein 1920j and
1921c). A collection of AE’s original papers in English
would also make a nice booklet. [67 971].
Gives statement on the alleged interview published in the
Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant, clarifying his position
toward the U.S. and Americans. Jüdische Rundschau.
ca. Jul 30 Sends telegram to the Berlin peace demonstration of 31 Jul.
Doc. 196.
Jul 31 Elsa Einstein reported to participate in antiwar mass meet-
ing in Berlin’s Lustgarten, on the seventh anniversary of the
outbreak of World War I, and to be “offering for sale” a
commemorative leaflet issued for the 1st of August entitled
“Nie wieder Krieg!” Einstein, who was “resting in a Baltic
Sea resort after exhausting trips abroad, sent a warmly
worded telegram in support of” the peace demonstration
that numbered more than 100,000 participants. 12-Uhr-
Abendblatt, 1 Aug; Berliner Tageblatt, Vossische Zeitung,
1 Aug.
Aug Co-signs an Appeal to Astronomical Society board of direc-
tors to establish a commission that would prepare the way
for a collaboration among astronomers who would reexam-
ine the data on Mercury’s perihelion. Kirsten and Treder
1979a, No. 103; Kirsten and Treder 1979b, No. 337.
Aug 1 Chaim Weizmann asks Kurt Blumenfeld whether AE should
be persuaded to attend the 12th Zionist Congress in Karls-
bad. His letter to AE to that effect is not extant (see Chaim
Weizmann to Kurt Blumenfeld, 1 Aug 1921; Wasserstein
1977a, p. 239; IsJCZA, Kurt Blumenfeld Papers).
Aug 2 ALS to Werner Richter. Accepts the offer to join the Astro-
physical Institute’s board of trustees. Assumes this move
evokes sympathy in the members of the institute. [83 209].
Aug 3 TLS from Foreign Office. An interest in authoritative lec-
tures on relativity has been found in Argentina, as shown by
a note in the Essener Allgemeine Zeitung. The office is
ready to help fulfill the request, and asks whether AE can
recommend persons who know Spanish, or, if he himself