C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 3 9
TLS from Hoffmann (Foreign Office). The German chargé
d’affaires in Reval has been authorized to issue a transit visa
for Dmitri S. Rozhdestvensky. [43 132].
TLS from Slowo. Gregorius Itelson informed them that AE
had agreed to the Russian edition of Einstein 1920j and
1921c. They agree that AE receive 20% of the shelf price.
Itelson would receive 5% and a fixed sum. [41 1034].
after Mar 21 Report on the budget of the KWIP for 1920–1921. The
funds proved to be rather small. The awards were used for
purchasing equipment, which, however, remains the prop-
erty of the institute. The only associate of the institute,
Erwin Freundlich, continued his research on the topics pre-
sented in the report for the previous fiscal year. At the end of
1920, he left the institute for the Astrophysical Observatory
in Potsdam, where he continues his research as Observator.
Mar 22 Arrives in Rotterdam.
TLS from Vieweg. The 11th edition of Einstein 1917a is
sold out and they are going to publish the 12th edition, with
an honorarium of 7,200 M. [42 087].
Mar 23 TDftLS from Gustav Roethe (PAW) to the Prussian Minis-
try of Education. Request that AE and Burdach receive the
same salaries as full professors at the University of Berlin.
GyBAW, PAW (1812–1945), II–XVII, Bd. 42, Bl. 264.
[87 685].
Sets sail in Rotterdam for the U.S. on the Holland-America
Line ship Rotterdam.
Mar 24 TLS from Ernest Barker. King’s College at the University of
London invites AE to deliver lectures on his way back from
the U.S. Requests proposal for lecture fee. [44 133].
Dft to Ernest Barker in Solomon Ginzberg’s hand. Accepts
invitation for May. [44 134].
TLS from Payot. They had no reason to doubt Fabre’s asser-
tion of having a foreword by AE in his book. They will con-
tact Fabre and inform AE of the result of their discussion.
[11 007].
Mar 25 TLS from Max Trautz. Applies for 6,000 M from the KWIP
for research on measurement of specific heat of gases.
[77 644].
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