4 7 6 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
TLS from German Society for Natural Sciences and Ethnol-
ogy of East Asia, Tokyo. In view of AE’s planned visit to
Japan the next year, they offer their assistance and invite
him to their headquarters in Tokyo. [36 438].
Oct 16 Arrives in Innsbruck, where he meets Hans Albert Einstein.
They proceed together to Verona.
Oct 16–Mar 15 With Max von Laue and Wilhelm Westphal, offers a physics
proseminar at the University of Berlin for third semester stu-
dents of physics and mathematics, Thursdays, 2:30–4
Berlin Verzeichnis 1921b.
Oct 17 Travels with Hans Albert Einstein to Bologna.
Oct 18 With his son, visits his sister Maja and her husband Paul
Winteler in Florence.
Oct 20 TLS to KWIP board of trustees. At its meeting of 12 Oct,
the KWIP board of directors proposed 10,000 M for
Walther Gerlach for research on band spectra of monatomic
metal vapors, and a 400 M monthly salary for the secretary
of KWIP. Reminds them that the board had proposed Max
von Laue as member of the board (see entry of 7 Mar), and
is awaiting their reply. GyMerSa, Rep. 76 Vc, Sekt. 2, Tit.
23, Litt. A, Nr. 116, Bl. 75v. [77 340].
ALS from Eduard Hartmann. Has problems with under-
standing AE’s explanation in Doc. 269. Gives his consent to
publish their exchange. [12 168].
TLS from Roethe. AE’s annual salary is raised to 19,000 M
retroactively as of 1 Apr 1921, a local supplement of 5,000
M, and some additional smaller supplements to compensate
for inflation. [79 331].
Oct 21 Returns to Bologna. Corriere della Sera, 22 Oct.
ca. Oct 22 Dedication to Adriane Enriques: “Das Studium und allge-
mein das Streben nach Wahrheit und Schönheit ist ein
Gebiet, auf dem wir das ganze Leben lang Kinder bleiben
dürfen. Adriane Enriques zum Andenken an die Bekannt-
schaft vom Oktober 1921 Albert Einstein.” [36 588].
Oct 22 First lecture in Bologna in the Archiginnasio on special rel-
ativity. Corriere della Sera, 2[3] Oct 1921; Todesco 1922,
pp. 125–135.
IE to Gabriella Conti. AE can offer a collaboration in the
field of theoretical physics. He has no connections with the
Astrophysical Institute in Potsdam, even though his field of
interest extends to astronomy. The tower spectrograph will
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