D O C U M E N T 2 7 1 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 1 3 1 7
AKS (Ingola Kaluza, Hannover). Sabbata and Schmutzer 1983, pp. 454–455. [65 729]. The postcard
is addressed “Herrn Dr. Kaluza (Universität) Steinmetzstr. 34 Königsberg,” and postmarked “Berlin–
W 15.10 21. 7–8 N[achmittags].”
[1]Theodor Kaluza (1885–1954) was Privatdozent in Mathematics at the University of Königsberg.
[2]Kaluza had proposed a unification of electromagnetism with gravity by introducing a fifth
dimension, His theory extended the structure of general relativity to five dimensions, but all deriv-
atives with respect to were put to zero, or taken to be of small order to ensure consistency with the
observed four-dimensional world. Four of the additional components of Kaluza’s metric, (Greek
indices indicating the usual four spacetime components, with the timelike coordinate), were inter-
preted as proportional to the electromagnetic potential; he found that components of the Christoffel
symbols could be interpreted as the electromagnetic field: , with a constant, while
the retained their gravitational interpretation (for his theory, see Kaluza 1921).
After initially expressing willingness to submit a paper by Kaluza for publication in the Prussian
Academy’s Proceedings (see Einstein to Theodor Kaluza, 21 April 1919 [Vol. 9, Doc. 26]), Einstein
later withdrew his offer because he found that interactions due to the physically unknown com-
ponent of the metric would dominate in the geodesic equation for an electron in five-dimensional
spacetime (Einstein to Theodor Kaluza, 14 and 29 May 1919 [Vol. 9, Docs. 40, 48]). Subsequently,
Kaluza did not publish his ideas at all. On Kaluza and Einstein’s response to his work, see Pais 1982,
pp. 329–336; O’Raifeartaigh and Straumann 2000, pp. 8–11; Dongen 2002; Goenner 2004, sec. 4.2;
and Wünsch 2005.
[3]Hermann Weyl; for his theory, see Weyl 1918a, and for Einstein’s objections against it, see Ein-
stein 1918g (Vol. 7, Doc. 8). Einstein also compared Kaluza’s theory favorably with Weyl’s theory in
his letter to Kaluza of 21 April 1919 (Vol. 9, Doc. 26).
[4]Einstein left Berlin on 15 October (Doc. 260) for travels to Italy, Switzerland, and the Nether-
lands, and would return on or before 29 November 1921 (Doc. 306).
271. To Ralph de Laer Kronig[1]
Berlin, den 14. X. 21.
Sehr geehrter Herr!
Beim Durchfressen durch einen grossen Berg von Korrespondenz finde ich Ih-
ren interessanten Brief vom September letzten
Wir wissen, dass der Weltradius grösser sein muss als Lichtjahre. Es muss
in der Natur irgend einen Grund geben, der bewirkt, dass das ausgestrahlte Licht
irgend wie verschwindet; sonst müsste der Himmel hell
Hier steckt eines
von vielen ungelösten Rätseln. Jedenfalls ist nach meiner Meinung eine Prüfung
der Relativitäts-Theorie auf dem von Ihnen skizzierten Wege nicht möglich. Ent-
schuldigen Sie bitte die Kürze, in Eile!
Mit vorzüglicher Hochachtung
A. Einstein.
TLS. [71 571]. The letter is addressed “Herrn Ralph de Laer Kronig New York City.”
[1]De Laer Kronig (1904–1995) was a student at Columbia University in New York.
[2]See Ralph de Laer Kronig to Einstein, 26 September 1920 (Vol. 10, Calendar).
[3]This is the so-called Olbers’s paradox, solved later by dropping the static model of the universe.
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