C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 2 7
Jan 18 or 19 Returns from Dresden to Berlin.
after Jan 19 Dft in IE’s hand to Friedrich Schmidt-Ott. Accepts member-
ship in the honorary committee of the Notgemeinschaft der
Deutschen Wissenschaft. [44 602].
Jan 21 TLC to von Maltzen (Foreign Office). On behalf of physics
professors of the University of Leyden, requests a transit
visa for Dmitry S. Rozhdestvensky, head of Optical Institute
in St. Petersburg. [43 126].
Jan 22 TLS from Richter, Ministry of Education. Solicits opinion
about paper by the physician Frank. [43 716].
Jan 23 TLS from IE to Vieweg, on behalf of AE. Einstein insists on
15% of the book price for the translation rights of Einstein
1917a into Polish. As to the division of income from trans-
lations, in his letter of 21 Jul 1920 Vieweg had accepted 1/3
for itself and 2/3 for Einstein. [42 084].
ALS from Frederick A. Lindemann. Was asked by the editor
of Encyclopaedia Britannica to write short biographical
note on AE. Would agree to do so if AE would consent and
send him the necessary materials. [16 333].
Jan 24 TLC to M&Co. Sends balance sheets for 15 Sep 1920 to
15 Jan 1921 and requests 1,000 M for the continued
expenses of the KWIP. GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 8, Mappe
Mendelssohn. [77 894].
TLS from Edouard Guillaume. Attempts to introduce a new
coordinate time variable t into the expression for the addi-
tion of velocities in special relativity, as a means of proving
an expression that AE claimed, in Doc. 25, could only have
been derived in error. [11 551].
TLS from Slowo. Asks for opinion about translating
Eddington 1920 into Russian, and solicits an introduction
from AE. [9 275].
Jan 25 TLC to police praesidium. The Russian physicists Abram
Ioffe, A. Krylov, M. Kirpicheva, A. Feringer, and Petr
Kapitsa have been invited by the University of Leyden.
Asks for transit visas for them. Guarantees that their goal is
purely scientific, and that permission to pass through Ger-
many would contribute to the restoration of good relation-
ships between Russia and Germany. [44 671].
TLS from Friedrich Schmidt-Ott. Inquires about 16,030 M
granted to Peter Debye in Oct 1918 for the purchase of