C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 5 9
Jun 20 TLS from Vieweg. Transfers 2,440 M from Slowo for the
Russian edition of Einstein 1917a, and 14,824 M from
Gauthier-Villars for its French edition. Expresses interest in
German publication of AE’s lectures delivered in the U.S.
and England. [42 095].
Jun 21 “How I Became a Zionist” is published (Vol. 7, Doc. 57).
TLC to C. Roediger. Thanks for the newspaper clippings
and the friendly assistance during his stay in England.
[43 528].
TLS from Harry Schmidt. Requests permission to dedicate
the English translation of his Schmidt 1920 to AE. Asks for
help in understanding how the transformations of Maxwell’s
equations in Einstein 1905r are to be carried out. [44 972].
Jun 22 TLC from IE to Methuen, on behalf of AE. The copyright
for publication of his Princeton lectures was given to Princ-
eton University Press only for the U.S., but not for England;
the latter was reserved for Methuen. Because he had deliv-
ered the lectures without notes, he needs some time to put
them down. A Princeton colleague volunteered to assist in
their translation into English. AE requests royalties of 15%
of the sale price, the same as his agreement for the Ameri-
can edition with Princeton University Press. [67 985].
TLS from Muller (Methuen). The British rights for the
English edition of the Princeton lectures are free. Offers 2
shillings on the book price sold, 13 copies being counted as
12, and £50 in advance of publication. [67 986].
TLC from IE to editor of Nature, on AE’s behalf. The lec-
ture held at King’s College was delivered without notes, and
AE does not consider it sufficiently original to be published
in Nature, where excellent papers on relativity had already
been published. [44 523].
Jun 23 Attends session of the PAW. Topic 10 in the minutes is AE’s
return from the U.S. GyBAW,
Bd. 39, Bl. 26.
TLC from IE to Harry Schmidt. Pressed for time, AE cannot
reproduce the calculations requested by Schmidt. He
accepts the dedication with thanks. [44 975].
TLS from Solomon Ginzberg, encloses check for 2,570 M
equivalent to 10 pounds, in addition to the 5 pounds AE had
already received. [36 838].
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