4 4 0 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
Mar 26 TLS from C. Roediger. Cover letter to Ernest Barker’s letter
of 24 Mar. Barker proposed to Roediger that the Wednesday
after 9 May was a convenient time for AE’s lecture.
[44 135].
Mar 27 Sends telegram, co-signed by Chaim Weizmann, to Berlin
office of the Zionist Organisation with greetings to “all Ber-
lin friends” (“allen Berliner Freunden”) from their voyage.
Jüdische Rundschau, 30 Mar.
Mar 30 Interview with AE published in Jüdische Rundschau, “Pro-
fessor Einstein über die Universität Jerusalem. Seine Stel-
lung zu Palästina und zum Keren Hajessod.” Also published
in English: “The University in Jerusalem: Professor Ein-
stein’s View.” Zionist Review, Apr 1921.
Apr TLS to Gilbert N. Lewis. Thanks for the invitation but his
time will be taken up by his mission to promote the cause of
the Hebrew University. [15 114].
PD. “Professor Einstein on the Proposed Hebrew University
of Jerusalem.” Presumably published on the eve of his
arrival in the U.S. [91 278].
Apr 1 “In My Defense” is published (Vol. 7, Doc. 55).
AD from M&Co. to KWIP board of trustees, report
expenses of 138,794.83 M for period 1 Jan to 31 Mar.
GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 8, Mappe Mendelssohn.
[77 898].
Statement by Chaim Weizmann on board the TSS Rotter-
dam on the impending arrival of the Zionist delegation in
the U.S. Mentions that “Professor Einstein has done us the
honour of accompanying us to America in the interest of the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem.…Professor Einstein
attaches the utmost importance to the early inauguration of
the Jerusalem University and is prepared when the time
arrives personally to associate himself with its activities–a
course in which he will there is reason to hope be followed
by other Jewish scholars and scientists of world wide repu-
tation.” IsReY. [70 970].
Cable from Julian Mack to Chaim Weizmann: “Einstein sit-
uation extremely difficult expedient you explain us fully his
exact negotiations who represents him here am also await-
ing you promised cable whether he accept your suggestion
couple university lectures free.” IsReY. [70 971].
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