C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 2 5
TLS from Ludwig Rebholz. Referring to an order of the
Housing Association, retroactively raises the 2,540 M rent
for the Einsteins’ apartment for the period Jan to Sep 1920
by 20%. [44 719].
Jan 11 Delivers his second lecture, on general relativity, at the Uni-
versity of Vienna. Neue Freie Presse, ME, 12 Jan. Neues
Wiener Tagblatt, 12 Jan.
Discusses with Otto Neurath participation in publishing a
collection of popular-scientific books especially for work-
ers, in cooperation with Philipp Frank and Heinrich Löwy.
TLCS from Friedrich Schmidt-Ott. The KWIP board of
trustees approves 5,000 for Otto von Baeyer, 7,000 M for
Christian Füchtbauer, 10,000 M for Hedwig Kohn, 8,000 M
for Robert Pohl, 1,500 M for Ernst Wagner, 10,000 M for
Paul Knipping, and 1,000 M for Heinrich Rubens. The
cover letter adds that the recipients had been informed of the
funds and were asked how the funds should be transferred to
them. [77 330].
Jan 12 In Vienna, visits with Josef Popper-Lynkeus. Popper-
Lynkeus 1925, p. 26.
ALS from Otto Radtke to IE. He had talked about his
request with [Machule] at the KWG, who considered the
payment in cash from the bursar advisable. [77 583].
Jan 13 Delivers a popular lecture to the Urania in Vienna in the
great concert hall. Neue Freie Presse, ME, Neues Wiener
Journal, 14 Jan; Reichspost, 14 Jan; Arbeiter-Zeitung, 15
Jan 14 Phonograph recording of a statement on the present situa-
tion of theoretical physics in the Phonogramm-Archive of
the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Herneck 1966, p. 133.
[74 024].
Jan 15 TLS from IE to Maurice Solovine on behalf of AE.
Requests an urgent reply whether Solovine wants to trans-
late Einstein 1920j into French, since a certain Lang in Paris
has inquired about the translation rights. TxU. [80 889].
TLC from IE to Springer on behalf of AE. Thanks for the
3,000 M sent on 24 Dec 1920 and for the information that