I N D E X 5 9 7
Rosseland, Svein, 254, 273
Rotating disk, 524a
AE on, 484c
Davenport on, 472c
Rote Hilfe, 272
Rotterdam, 438c; AE arrives in, 439c
Rotterdam, TSS, 109n, 111
Rouvière, Jeanne, 106, 123n
Royal Astronomical Society, AE attends meet-
ing of, 456c
Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, 10
Royal Society of London, xxxix, 343; AE foreign
member of, 446c, 539a
Rozhdestvensky, Dimitry S. (1876–1940), 43,
49, 190, 195, 438c
AE intercedes on behalf of, 48n
transit visa for, 427c, 439c
visits the Netherlands, 55
Rubens, Heinrich (1865–1922), awarded KWIP
funds for radiation measurements, 425c, 435c
Rubner, Max, 433c
Rümelin, Theodor (1877–1920), 27
Ruppin, Arthur, 126n
Rusch, Franz (1880–1962), 150, 485c, on teach-
ing conditions in China, 469c
Rusconi, Jahn, 468c
Rusconi-Besso, Beatrice (1890–1965), 211,
Russell, Bertrand (1872–1970), 218, 289
Russia. See Soviet Russia
Rutenberg, Pinchas, 305n
Rutherford, Ernest (1871–1937), lvii, 150, 191,
Rydberg, Johannes R., 322n
Ryerson Laboratory, 274, 375
Sackur, Otto (1880–1914), 247
Sadler, Michael, invites AE to lecture at Univer-
sity of Leeds, 452c
Saha, Megh Nad, solicits letter of recommenda-
tion from AE, 468c
Samsioe, Axel F. (1890–1972), 69, 431c
Samuel, Herbert (1879–1963), 304
Schaefer, Clemens (1878–1968)
awarded KWIP funds for purchase of Panzer
electrometer for silicate research, 435c
requests change of Panzer galvanometer to
Paschen galvanometer and appliances, 467c
requests KWIP funds for research on infrared
eigenvibrations of silicates, 424c, 435c,
Scheel, Karl (1866–1936), 41, 84
Schegin, 460c
Scherk, L., 460c, 461c, 462c
Schickelé, René (1883–1940), 352
Schilling, Heinar, 49n
Schlesinger, Georg (1874–1949), on reasons for
not supporting Zionism, 389
Schlick, Moritz (1882–1936), 38, 153
AE on, 139–140
AE visits, 244, 467c
on Cassirer’s analysis of AE’s work, 244
on Kantian and Newtonian space, 438c
Scholz on, 436c
Schlör, J., 272n
Schloss Lautrach, purchased by Anschütz-
Kaempfe for University of Munich, 383
Schmedeman, Albert G. (1864–1946), lvii
Schmeidler, Werner (1890–1969), 185
Schmidt, Gerhard, solicits opinion on: Hopf,
452c; Kretschmann, 484c; Poppert, 484c
Schmidt, Harry, 459c; asks AE for contacts in
US, 480c
Schmidt-Ott, Friedrich, 426c, 427c, 432c, 442c,
447c, 454c, 484c
Schnauder, Gustav (1893–1924), 266
Schneider, Rudolf, 487c
Schnell, Curt, 388
Scholem, Gershom, 291n
Scholz, Heinrich (1884–1956), 139, 153
on Kantian space and relativity, 184–186
solicits opinion on Schlick, 436c
on space concepts of Kant and Newton, 438c
Schorr, Richard, 263n
Schorr, Robert, solicits AE’s opinion on Classen,
431c, 432c
Schrödinger, Erwin (1887–1961), 294
Schücking, Walther (1875–1935), 352
Schuler, Maximilian, 134n, 138, 282, 310n, 341,
365, 383, 503a, 505a, 506a
on geomagnetic experiment, 285, 337–338
Schulz, Marianne, 252n
Schulze, W., 464c
Schuster, Arthur, 429c
Schwarzschild geometry, l, 11n
Schwarzschild solution, 354, 369
Schwarzschild, Karl (1873–1916), 9
Schweigler, Eduard, requests KWIP funds for