4 3 8 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
Deutschlands in Berlin has asked AE to raise $20,000 in the
U.S. for the welfare of Eastern European Jews. Has blocked
similar requests to AE in the past. Does not believe that this
specific campaign will harm the efforts on behalf of Keren
Hayesod. IsReY. [89 017].
Mar 17 Participates in the third meeting of PAW committee to
appoint a director at the Potsdam Astrophysical Observa-
tory. Max von Laue is proposed as director, and Hans
Ludendorff as managing director. Kirsten and Treder 1979b,
p. 47, No. 139.
Mar 18 TLC fragment to Foreign Office. The transit visa for Dmitry
S. Rozhdestvensky was sent to a wrong address. Von
Maltzen has already corrected the mistake, but AE asks for
wire notification to the German consul in Reval, where
Rozhdestvensky is waiting for the visa. [43 130].
Mar 19 TLS from Henry A. Miers, inviting AE to deliver an Adam-
son Lecture at the University of Manchester. [44 374].
AKS from H. Scholz, thanking for receipt of Einstein
1921c. Hopes to win the “battle” for M. Schlick, since AE
and M. Planck have been so helpful. In his seminar they dis-
cuss Kant’s and Newton’s wrong identification of the intui-
tive (anschaulich), formal, a priori space with Euclidean and
physical space. [21 536].
Mar 20 To Edgar von Haniel (Foreign Office). Thanks him for the
border travel recommendation for his trip to the U.S. in
three days. Stargardt catalog, March 1999, lot no. 474.
[84 590].
TLC from Heinrich Löwe. Calls attention to the crucial
importance of establishing a large scholarly library in Jerus-
alem to facilitate research at the planned Hebrew University.
The current budget allocated for the library, £5,000, is not
sufficient. Two million marks would be required. Asks AE
to wield his influence for this cause. [120 991].
AKS from IE to Hans Reichenbach. Returns Reichenbach’s
manuscript to him and informs him that AE has read it yet
could not respond in detail due to lack of time prior to his
pending trip. Maria Reichenbach. [87 943].
Mar 21 Leaves Berlin for Rotterdam.