4 3 0 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
AKS to David Reichinstein. Thanks for his letter, looks for-
ward to his visit, and is curious about his new law. Einstein
1917a has already been translated into Russian by Grego-
rius Itelson. [24 058], [71 573].
Interview in Berlin on the “Mystic Wireless.” “There is
every reason to believe that Mars and other planets are
inhabited…. But if intelligent creatures do exist, as we may
assume they do, elsewhere in the universe, I should not
expect them to try to communicate with the earth by wire-
less. Light rays, the direction of which can be controlled
much more easily, would more probably be the first method
attempted.” Daily Mail.
Feb Dedication on a pen and ink portrait [by Hermann Struck?]:
“Für Dr. Frichmann mit schönen Gruss. Albert Einstein
Februar 1921. Energie = Masse Quadrat der Lichtge-
schwindigkeit E =
Profiles in History. J. M. Mad-
dalena Catalog (4/90), lot 160. [76 543].
TL from Otto Lehmann-Russbüldt. Cover letter asking AE
and others for permission to use their names as supporters in
an appeal by the BNV to the International Federation of
Trade Unions (IFTU). The appeal, conceived by Heinrich
Ströbel, expresses the fear that the burden of reparations and
reconstruction imposed on Germany by the Allied Powers
will keep the world on the verge of another war, and the
conviction that this situation can be avoided only by the
intervention of the IFTU as the only unpolitical great power.
[44 308]. “Skizze des Telegramms nach Amsterdam.”
enclosed. [44 309].
Feb 1 TLS from Peter Debye. Remits 16,030 M and 1,053.95 M
interest to the KWIP, and expresses his gratitude for the
funds. [77 996].
Feb 2 TLS from Arthur Hadley. Invites AE to be Silliman Founda-
tion lecturer at Yale University. Offers $2,500 in return for
8–12 lectures and their manuscripts, to be published by
Yale. Fall of 1921 would be preferred date but spring 1922
would also work. Includes list of previous lecturers. AE is
also welcome to give lectures elsewhere in the U.S. while he
is at Yale, but he should first give his lectures in New Haven.
[36 265].