2 0 2 D O C U M E N T S 1 0 6 , 1 0 7 M A R C H 1 9 2 2 Bien affectueusement à vous P. Langevin ALS. Langevin L. 1972, pp. 14–15. [15 355]. Written on letterhead “École Municipale de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles.” [1]The invitation was announced in Doc. 99 [2]On 21 March several newspapers, including Le Temps, Le Journal, and Le Populaire de Paris, reported that Einstein had been invited by the Société française de physique to lecture at the Collège de France and that he would arrive 28 March. The announcement was picked up by German newspa- pers (see, e.g., Vossische Zeitung of the same date). [3]Not all commentaries were favorable: L’Echo de Paris of 23 March expressed fear that Ein- stein’s visit would lead to public protests and concluded that it would be better if he found a reason to cancel his trip. See also Biezunski 1991, chap. 1, for a discussion. 106. From Paul Winteler [Florence, 22 March 1922] ermoegliche vorschuss 2000 frs[1] durch meink[2] ober[3] selbst bis ende marz curi[4] refusiert maja soliwer[5] krank unser adresse florenz sanatorium via montughi 5 drahtantwort pauli Tgm. [144 794]. The telegram is addressed “albert einstein berlin haberlandstr 5,” and postmarked “Berlin 30 22. 3. 22. [--].” [1]Winteler received 1,000 Swiss francs annually for administering Einstein’s shares in the Schwei- zerische Auer-Aktiengesellschaft (SAG). [2]Possibly a reference to Wilhelm Meinhardt (1872–1955), president of the board of directors of Osram Gesellschaft m.b.H., a joint venture of Allgemeine Elektricitätsgesellschaft, Siemens & Halske, and Auer-Gesellschaft. [3]Probably a typo for “oder.” [4]Probably a typo for “Curti,” i.e., Eugen Curti-Forrer (1865–1951), the attorney who was entrusted with keeping the shares of the SAG on behalf of Einstein and Winteler. [5]Probably a typo for “schwer.” 107. To Paul Ehrenfest [Berlin,] 23. III. 22 Lieber Ehrenfest! Meine Schwester liegt ernsthaft krank in Florenz.[1] Da sie samt ihrem Mann dazu noch in Geldschwierigkeiten ist, so bitte ich Dich, ihr sogleich tausend Schweizer Franken zu schicken.[2] Ihre Adresse ist Florenz (Firenze) Sanatorium Via Montughi 5.— Ich lese gegenwärtig einen grossen Vortrag von Bohr, aus dem seine ganze Gedankenwelt wunderbar klar wird.[3] Er ist ein wahrhaft genialer Mensch, ein Glück, dass es so was überhaupt gibt. Ich habe alles Vertrauen zu sei-