I N D E X 9 5 5 Madrid, AE on, 562 Madsen, Thorvald (1870–1957), requests ap- pointment with AE, 819a AE gives, 507 Maffei-Schwarzkopf-Werke, 279 Magdala (Mejdal), 561 Magnes, Judah L., 577n, 582n Magnetism alignment of magnetic moments in, 441 in rapidly oscillating weak fields, 147 terrestrial, experiment on, 194, 342, 369 to be investigated by Du Bois in Leyden, 184 work by Gans on, 433 work on hysteresis by Warburg, 355 Magnus (?), Dr., 820a Maier, Gustav (1844–1923), AE congratulates, 192–193 Maier-Friedländer, Regina, AE congratulates, 192–193 Maimonides, 167 Malacca, 555 Malebranche, Nicolas (1638–1715), 247 Malfitano, Giovanni (1872–1941), 163, 283, 796a AE in apartment of, 218 Malik, portrait of AE by, 829a Manifesto to the Europeans, 745n Manifold, five-dimensional, 64 Mano, Bunji (1861–1946), 574n Mantecón, Miguel, 587n Marañon, Gregorio, 586n, 587n Marchalar y Monrea, Luis de, 586n Maria Christina of Austria (1858–1929), 586n grants audience to AE, 829a Maric, Marija (1847–1935), 198 Maric, Mileva. See Einstein-Maric, Mileva Maric, Milos (1846–1922), 198 Maric, Zorka (1883–1938), in asylum, 198 Marie, Charles, 796a Marivaux, Jeu de l’amour et du hasard, 833 Marseille, 532, 562 AE on, 589 Martienssen, Oscar (1874–1954), 223, 415n, 795a on legal dispute between Gesellschaft für nautische Instrumente and Anschütz & Co., 212, 795a, 796a Marx, Erich, requests, outline of general relativ- ity, 784a AE declines, 157, 784a updating of manuscript on special relativity, 157 AE de- clines, 158 Marx-Weinbaum, Erich article of on threats against AE’s life, AE on, 429 Marx reflects, 815a solicits article on Rathenau from AE, 813a AE declines, 429 Maschke, Georg, on AE’s break with Mercur Flugzeugbau GmbH, 256–257 AE on, 263 Mass concept of inertia, 434 doctrine of conservation of merged into doc- trine of conservation of energy, 856 electromagnetic, 507 equivalence of gravitational and inertial, 456 relativity of AE on, 411, 426–428 Jaffe on, 345, 395–396, 417–418, 434–436 in special relativity, 507 test mass in general relativity, 427 in Trefftz’s cosmological solution, 595 Mass-energy equivalence Le Bon on, 256, 380, 394–395 priority in discovery of AE on, 312, 369–370 Le Bon on, 340, 422 Massive hollow sphere, gravitational field of, 435 Massys (Matsys), Quentin (ca. 1465–1530), 447 Mathematics absolute differential calculus necessary for ad- vanced problems in relativity, 875 matrices and their operations, shown to AE by Jerusalem mathematician, 559 needed for quantum theory, 461 terminology of in Hebrew, 40 Mathieu de Noailles, Anna, Comtesse, 222n Matsubara, Kazuro, 87, 811a, 813a Mauguin, Charles, 796a Maura, Antonio, 585n, 860, 875 Maurin, Joaquín, 584n Maxwell, James Clerk (1831–1879), 42, 267, 454–455, 459, 462n, 872, 874, 886, 888 on anisotropic pressure forces in gases, 485 work on kinetic theory, 5 Maxwell equations, 875, 886 Kaluza on, 68 with ponderable media, 722 May, Karl, 371 Mayer, Manasseh. See Meyer, Manasseh Mayer-Kaufbeuren, Wilhelm (1874–1923), 226n, 282n offers services to AE in Paris, 216
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