D O C U M E N T S 4 3 9 , 4 4 0 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 5 4 3 5
439. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe
[Berlin,] 17 February 1925
Dear Mr. Anschütz,
pleased me very much, particularly for its knightly attitude toward
the H[oly]
I missed you and Kiel very much, and partly still do. But my
course firmly ties me down, and I had to give it because I was explicitly asked to.
Whoever’s crumbs I eat, to him I must sing my song like a proper bird. On the 5th
it’s ahoy to
I love being on the water, but am not looking forward to
the semi-cultured Indians in tuxedos there. I am returning at the end of May. The
elder Einstein and the young
have an immodest wish, namely, to arrive
in Kiel right at the beginning of vacation, Albert out of a praiseworthy zest for ac-
tion, I because of my strange shyness of people. But don’t frown; if you have any
qualms, we will change the program. But it would be nice if you didn’t do that. Did
the less stable gyroscope prove its worth after
I’m enthusiastic about the suc-
cess that your compass will have. I know how much of your work and dedication
is invested in it and how you always turned your nose in the proper direction. My
Cordial regards from your
440. To Eduard Bernstein
Berlin, 19 February 1925
Esteemed and dear Mr. Bernstein,
Even though it was not possible for me to come to your
I just can-
not quietly ignore this occasion. For, there are so few who have served the common
good with such constant loyalty, even when it was grinding and virtually thankless.
Fewer still are those who did so as a matter of course and with such modesty as you.
All people of good will are happy to be able to look back with you on this life full
of struggles.
With the expression of warm friendship, your,
A. Einstein.