4 5 8 D O C U M E N T S 4 5 6 , 4 5 7 M A R C H 1 9 2 5
456. To Elsa Einstein
Hotel [Hamburg, 5 March 1925]
Dear Else,
Trip suitably magnificent. Blue sky and fine food, esp. figs. Mrs.
train station with son-in-law. Evening, small social circle. Melchior there
genuine Hamburger. Saw something of the city. Now it’s time to board
which casts off in an hour. Letter from Mühsam with
Not yet opened.
Best regards esp. also to heroic
from your
P. S. In my gray coat I forgot an envelope that contains a memorandum about
Send it immediately out after me, because I need it in Buenos A[ires].
457. To Elsa Einstein
[on board “Cap Polonio,”] 7 March 1925
My Dears,
Everything went very nicely up to now. After dispatch of my ticket from the ho-
tel in Hamburg, I boarded the ship, accompanied by Mrs.
law, where I was installed in my lordly bachelor’s quarters, whereupon the voyage
commenced immediately. At first it was cold and it rained incessantly.—But I must
report something else from Hamburg that was very funny. When I arrived at my ho-
tel on Wednesday around 12 o’clock, a small package was handed to me. In it was
a black necktie and a visiting card: “ordered by telephone by Gov. Councillor
in Berlin.”—
Since yesterday it has been much warmer; and now we’ve got fine weather. Yes-
terday we docked in the outer harbor of Boulogne where I dispatched a letter to
I didn’t have one to dispatch to you yet. I often think how nice it
would have been for Margot; but it was not meant to
I sit next to a German
professor of philosophy who teaches at the university in Buenos
wise I don’t intend to make any acquaintances, and even this one, who is a very fine
man, I just see at mealtimes. I very much like the booklet that
had me take
along. Besides, I am busying myself a bit with science. It turns out that I can’t bear
it otherwise, Lewin notwithstanding. When I try to stop, life becomes too empty.
No reading matter can substitute for it, not even scientific reading.
Now I’m outside a lot because the air along the French coast, that is, in the Bay
of Biscay, is already very much milder than where we are. Definitely do immedi-
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

4 5 8 D O C U M E N T S 4 5 6 , 4 5 7 M A R C H 1 9 2 5
456. To Elsa Einstein
Hotel [Hamburg, 5 March 1925]
Dear Else,
Trip suitably magnificent. Blue sky and fine food, esp. figs. Mrs.
train station with son-in-law. Evening, small social circle. Melchior there
genuine Hamburger. Saw something of the city. Now it’s time to board
which casts off in an hour. Letter from Mühsam with
Not yet opened.
Best regards esp. also to heroic
from your
P. S. In my gray coat I forgot an envelope that contains a memorandum about
Send it immediately out after me, because I need it in Buenos A[ires].
457. To Elsa Einstein
[on board “Cap Polonio,”] 7 March 1925
My Dears,
Everything went very nicely up to now. After dispatch of my ticket from the ho-
tel in Hamburg, I boarded the ship, accompanied by Mrs.
law, where I was installed in my lordly bachelor’s quarters, whereupon the voyage
commenced immediately. At first it was cold and it rained incessantly.—But I must
report something else from Hamburg that was very funny. When I arrived at my ho-
tel on Wednesday around 12 o’clock, a small package was handed to me. In it was
a black necktie and a visiting card: “ordered by telephone by Gov. Councillor
in Berlin.”—
Since yesterday it has been much warmer; and now we’ve got fine weather. Yes-
terday we docked in the outer harbor of Boulogne where I dispatched a letter to
I didn’t have one to dispatch to you yet. I often think how nice it
would have been for Margot; but it was not meant to
I sit next to a German
professor of philosophy who teaches at the university in Buenos
wise I don’t intend to make any acquaintances, and even this one, who is a very fine
man, I just see at mealtimes. I very much like the booklet that
had me take
along. Besides, I am busying myself a bit with science. It turns out that I can’t bear
it otherwise, Lewin notwithstanding. When I try to stop, life becomes too empty.
No reading matter can substitute for it, not even scientific reading.
Now I’m outside a lot because the air along the French coast, that is, in the Bay
of Biscay, is already very much milder than where we are. Definitely do immedi-

