4 2 D O C U M E N T S 4 2 4 4 M A Y 1 9 2 3
42. To Gilbert Murray
Berlin, 25 May 1923
Highly esteemed Mr. Murray,
You can imagine that it was only with difficulty and reluctance that I decided to
take my step, and the answer to the question whether I did right by doing so is not
certain even for me; but ultimately, one cannot collaborate if one’s trust in the
League of Nations as a whole is shaken, as it is, in fact, in my
In my opin-
ion, the greatest evil is not so much that there is no real power behind the League
of Nations as that, by its silence or indeed its very function, it is proving to be a tool
for those presently wielding power. Thus it not only cannot support what is right
but even shakes the confidence of those of good intentions about the possibility of
a supranational organization.
In hoping that you are persuaded that I did not let myself be guided in any way
by political prejudice or indeed by chauvinism, I am, in utmost respect, yours sin-
43. From Mileva Einstein-Maric
[Zurich,] 25 May 1923
please definitely await
letter on the
44. To Svante Arrhenius[1]
[Berlin,] 26 May 1923
Esteemed Colleague,
I am extremely pleased to be seeing you again in the coming
I hope you
can spend one evening informally at my home; I’m already extending a friendly in-
vitation to you now. As soon as you are here, I request a telephone call (Nollendorf
2802) so that we can arrange everything. The topic for the big lecture in Gothen-
burg should read: Foundations and Problems in Relativity Theory; the specific sub-
ject: On the Weyl-Eddington
I do not need more time than is scheduled
for individual lectures in the specialist sessions.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

4 2 D O C U M E N T S 4 2 4 4 M A Y 1 9 2 3
42. To Gilbert Murray
Berlin, 25 May 1923
Highly esteemed Mr. Murray,
You can imagine that it was only with difficulty and reluctance that I decided to
take my step, and the answer to the question whether I did right by doing so is not
certain even for me; but ultimately, one cannot collaborate if one’s trust in the
League of Nations as a whole is shaken, as it is, in fact, in my
In my opin-
ion, the greatest evil is not so much that there is no real power behind the League
of Nations as that, by its silence or indeed its very function, it is proving to be a tool
for those presently wielding power. Thus it not only cannot support what is right
but even shakes the confidence of those of good intentions about the possibility of
a supranational organization.
In hoping that you are persuaded that I did not let myself be guided in any way
by political prejudice or indeed by chauvinism, I am, in utmost respect, yours sin-
43. From Mileva Einstein-Maric
[Zurich,] 25 May 1923
please definitely await
letter on the
44. To Svante Arrhenius[1]
[Berlin,] 26 May 1923
Esteemed Colleague,
I am extremely pleased to be seeing you again in the coming
I hope you
can spend one evening informally at my home; I’m already extending a friendly in-
vitation to you now. As soon as you are here, I request a telephone call (Nollendorf
2802) so that we can arrange everything. The topic for the big lecture in Gothen-
burg should read: Foundations and Problems in Relativity Theory; the specific sub-
ject: On the Weyl-Eddington
I do not need more time than is scheduled
for individual lectures in the specialist sessions.

