A priori concept
AE critical of Kantian concept of, 325
no reason to believe in equality of charges of
electron and proton, 403
Winternitz on, 145
Aardenne, Gijsbert W. van (1888–1983)
AE on character of, 254
in love with Tatiana Ehrenfest, 160
Absorption, not explained by electromagnetic
field equations, 163
absolute meaning of, 76
real definition of, 333
Action principle, 41, 43
Action-at-a-distance, in Mach’s theory, AE on,
Adiabatic compression, and entropy of ideal gas,
Affine field theory
AE on, 48–51, 81
experimental proof of, 83
generalized wave equation, 92
See also Weyl-Eddington theory
Airplane, atmospheric measurements done in,
See also Balloon; Boerner, Arno
Alberini, Coriolano (1886–1960), 452
Albert-Lazard, Louise (1884–1934), Winteler-
Einstein on condition of, 385
Allgemeine Zeitung, request regarding art works,
AE on, 406
Alliance israelite universelle, 170
Aluminum, 199, 360, 363
American Jewish Physicians Committee, 285;
invites AE, AE declines, 214
Amnesty for Communist political prisoners, AE
on, 408
Amplifier tube, 106, 414
between elastic and electric oscillations, 251
between gas and radiation, 371, 376, 378, 418
used in Planck’s book, 268
Anderson, Wilhelm (1880–1940), on light de-
flection, AE criticizes, 56
Annalen der Physik, 11, 104, 353
Anschütz-Kaempfe, Hermann (1872–1931), 10,
57, 68, 82, 98, 104, 106, 207, 213, 230, 240,
244, 262, 284, 299, 304, 349, 362, 370
AE sympathizes with, 246
AE yearns to see, 435
on AE’s and sons’ visit to Kiel, 287
on AE’s poem to, 101
on AE’s sons’ vacation in Lautrach, 12
gyrocompass, 10, 11, 106–107
AE congratulates for, 435
follow-up on, 169–170, 210; AE on, 186
on oscillation period of, 170
on residual oscillations of, 359–360; AE on,
363, 485
Hans Albert
advises, 95
forwards letter of to AE, 92
intends to leave Kiel factory to, 241, 262
on, 363
on reasons for behavior of, 68
requests instructions on how to handle, 92
References are collected under the appropriate English heading. Certain institutions, orga-
nizations, and concepts that have no standard English translation are listed under their for-
eign designation (with cross-references from an English translation). For the meaning of
abbreviations, see the List of Abbreviations in the documentary edition.