3 3 0 D O C U M E N T S 3 2 7 3 3 0 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 4
327. To Michele Besso
Lucerne, 1 October 1924
Dear Michele,
I just arrived here and have been put up at the Schweizerhof. I have to speak on
Unfortunately, I can’t come to Bern because I have to steam off to Ley-
den. I’d be very happy if I could see you.
With warmest greetings, yours,
328. To Elsa Einstein
Lucerne, 1 October 1924
Dear Else,
were very nice; they repented, even though they didn’t say anything
So I let the business matters be, after ascertaining that they are well tak-
en care of. There’s supposed to be a terrible harvest; stock up well for the winter.
were especially nice this time; they have turned out really fine. Ev-
erything’s gone smoothly up to now. On the 4th or 5th I’m steaming off to visit Un-
Best regards to all of you from your
329. From Robert A. Millikan
[Pasadena,] October 2, 1924
[See documentary edition for English text.]
330. To Jost Winteler[1]
[Lucerne, 3 October 1924]
Dear Professor,
Here I am in the cheerful company of Michele and
and we are chatting
together without feeling in the slightest the years that mother Time has stacked on
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