1 3 8 D O C U M E N T 1 4 3 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 3
emitted, is formally a product of the probabilities of the associated subprocesses in
which only one quantum is absorbed or emitted. These subprocesses don’t, of
course, have to be possible in isolation for the combined process to occur, though.
(Hence, for inst., a free electron can never absorb an hν quantum and change into
translational energy without an hν′ quantum being simultaneously emitted, be-
cause energy and momentum conservation could not be satisfied simultaneously.)
Since for this reason your subcoefficients are not physically defined of
themselves either, rather only certain products of the same, it seems preferable to
me to write the probability of the combined elementary process in question this
in which the coefficients C only have to satisfy the condition that they be equal for
inverse processes:
But now I have already taxed your patience for too long.
Thanking you very much again, your very admiring
W. Pauli.
143. From Max Planck
Grunewald, Berlin, 10 November 1923
Dear Colleague,
When I unwittingly appeared at your home yesterday evening in accordance
with your kind invitation, your esteemed wife received me with the question of
whether I had received your letter; and when I said no she told me about your de-
parture and the despicable events that had caused it.[1] I am quite beside myself
with fury and rage at those infamous shady characters who dared and managed to
separate you from your home, from your working quarters; and I will set everything
in motion in order to bring these sordid affairs to light and bring the guilty to a most
rigorous account.
But much deeper than my indignation is my pain that you have gone away and
that, as your esteemed wife[2] told me, you no longer feel like returning. That, you
can believe me, is how I feel. And if you would grant me but one word, one bit of
influence on your decisions, I would like to express to you here only the one but
heartfelt and most urgent request not to take any steps now that would make your
return to Berlin final and forever impossible. Certainly, now many offers and invi-
a1, b1, …
W Cνp
1 +
q +
1 +
1 +
q +
q +
© ¹
⋅ =
+ q +
νp 1…νp
+ q +