2 0 8 D O C U M E N T 2 1 1 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 4
Consider this at your leisure, and then do as your good heart inclines you to do.
In the hope of seeing you soon again, I give you and your husband my cordial re-
gards, yours,
A. Einstein.
Amicable greetings to the Richter
211. From Reta Anschütz-Stöve
Kiel, 17 February 1924
Dear Prof. Einstein,
No sooner had I arrived here than I received your
which confounds &
depresses me so much that I still cannot recover from it.
How is it possible for you to think me capable of such lowly actions!
My fondness for my
would already forbid me from such conduct
against someone he so highly esteems. It is self-evident that an insult to your
must hurt you personally. I am very sorry that your wife could gain such an impres-
sion from our conversation.
I was meeting my
for a brief period in Berlin. Our time was thoroughly
booked. Nonetheless, I called your home because I thought it would please my hus-
band if I could bring back a personal greeting from you. You were not home. I
greeted your wife instead; we conversed for a longer time. You wife told me about
all sorts of things and asked why I had not come to Haberland St. I told her jokingly,
I did not want to disturb you and, in accordance with the truth, that I absolutely did
not have any time for it. The next morning I was intending to call again before leav-
ing, but unfortunately did not manage to do so, which I regret all the more, since
this misunderstanding would then not have taken on such a harsh aspect. I am also
sure your wife will realize her mistake after my explanations. And thus I hope this
is done with.
With kind regards,
R. Anschütz-Kaempfe.
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