6 7 8 I N D E X
AE’s recommendation for Edgar Meyer, 366;
requests AE’s recommendation for his suc-
cessor, 357
Passenger train service, discontinuation in Ger-
many, 281
Pasteur, Louis (1822–1895), 334n
Patent infringment case, AEG v. Sannig & Co.,
Patijn, R. J. H., 416n, 504n
Pauer, Franz (1891–?), 382
Pauli, Wolfgang (1900–1958): 217, 389n, 535;
AE on, 298; against field theoretic treatment
of electron, 387; article on relativity for
Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissen-
schaften, 373; on Weyl’s theory, 267–268,
PAW. See Prussian Academy of Sciences; see
Pechel, R., 555c
Pedersen, P. O., 598c
Perihelion motion of Mercury: xxxi, 32, 245n; in
Weyl’s theory, 217
Perrier, Albert (1883–1962), 214
Perrin, Francis (1901–1992), 225
Perrin, Jean (1870–1942): 171, 223, 286n, 517;
congratulates AE, 224; on effect of light on
chemical reactions, 141, 224
Peterchens Mondfahrt, silhouettes by AE on first
page of, 360n
Peters, Rudolf: 612c; on anti-Semitism in the
press, 522
Petzoldt, Joseph (1862–1929): 14, 135, 137,
573c; on rotating disk paradox, 115–116, 140
Pfeiffer, Heinrich (1879–?), on difficult situation
of German book trade, 424, 480–481
Pfitzner, Hans (1869–1949), 392
Pflüger, Alexander W.: 534; congratulates AE,
Philosophy: Als-Ob conference, 493, 532, 611c;
Kant and relativity, 342, 510; of Als-Ob, 43–
44, 51–52, 493. See also EINSTEIN, ALBERT:
PHILOSOPHY; Sellien, Ewald
Photochemical effects, 141, 224
Photochemical equivalence, Einstein’s law of,
Photochemical reactions, experiments by Nod-
dack and Pusch, 294n
Photochemical research, funded by KWIP, 613c
Photoelectric effect, on gases and vapors, Kohn
on, 124, 337
Photoelectricity and X-rays, research funded by
KWIP, 560c, 567c
Photophoresis, 74n, 252, 253n, 369n, 398, 441n
Physikalische Berichte: KWIP support for, 598c,
603c; PAW support for, 580c
Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt: 563c,
605c; work atmosphere at, 61–62; and repli-
cation of Franz Harres’s experiment, 208
Picard, Max (1888–1965), 322
Piccard, Auguste (1884–1962), 214
Pichon, Paul, gift for AE, 476
Pilatus, Pontius, 416
Pitsch, Adolf, 589c
Pitt, William (1759–1806), 79
Planck, Emma (1888–1919), death of, 240
Planck, Erwin (1893–1945), 269n
Planck, Karl (1888–1916), 269n
Planck, Marie (1861–1909), 59n
Planck, Max (1858–1947): xl, 18, 46n, 74, 115n,
125, 149, 158, 166n, 191, 221, 229, 240, 248,
257, 266, 269n, 279n, 297, 308, 310n, 360n,
366, 369, 382, 393, 451n, 515n, 572c, 584c,
590c, 591c, 593c, 595c, 596c; AE on, 58,
261, 329; as acting president of KWIP board
of trustees, 577c, 583c, 586c, 600c, 605c; as
member of KWIP board of directors, 552c,
554c, 573c, 576c; attached to Germany, AE
on, 80; congratulates AE, 180; defends inde-
pendence of Geodetic Institute, 195n; dis-
missed from scientific committee of Institut
international de physique, 115n; intercedes
for Solvay, 115n, 216; invited to receive hon-
orary doctorate at University of Rostock,
199; invited to stay in Schlick’s home, 199;
Nobel prize to, 239n, 248, 268, 308n; nomi-
nates Sommerfeld and Debye to PAW, 410;
on keeping AE in Berlin, 107–108, 154; on
page limit for Sitzungsberichte, 40n; personal
tragedies, 280, 288, AE on, 268; thought of
for position at University of Zurich, 78, 80,
92; proposes AE for Nobel prize, 551c; pro-
poses financial help of PAW to Physikalische
Berichte, 580c; proposes raise of AE’s PAW
salary, 580c; skeptical about war crimes in-
vestigation, 55n
Planck-Hoesslin, Marga, 108
Plebiscite on Upper Silesia, Versailles Peace