8 2 6 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 2 / 1 9 2 3 486. From Bansui Tsuchii (Doi) [before 30] December 1922 Poem to Einstein: “An den grossen Einstein.” German translation by Georg Würfel. TLS (Doi, B. 1932, pp. 3–10). [36 446]. 487. To Leib Jacob 1 January 1923 “Herrn Freund, dem vielgereisten jüdischen Genossen und Fachkollegen zum Andenken an das Zusammensein in Schanghai am 1. Januar 1923. Albert Einstein. 1923.” ADSP (Trus and Cohen 1948, p. 155). [67 329]. 488. From Josef Sauter 1 January 1923 Regrets the stubbornness of Guillaume, their erstwhile colleague at the Bern Patent Of- fice, who despite innumerable clarifications persists in misguided opinions of AE’s rel- ativity theory. Guillaume is now engaged in refuting Maxwell’s and Lorentz’s theories as well. ALS. [20 454]. 489. Customs Declaration 5 January 1923 The four pieces of luggage contain gifts given to AE and EE during their visit in Japan by universities, scientific societies, etc. ADS. [28 015]. 490. Methuen to IE 6 January 1923 Sends contract regarding English translation rights of Einstein 1922t, and asks for sig- nature. TLSC. [67 968]. 491. Methuen to IE 9 January 1923 Requests information on Reinhold Fürth’s notes in Einstein 1922t. TLSX. [67 960]. 492. From Vieweg 9 January 1923 The translation rights of Einstein 1917a into Czech were given to Borovy publishing house. The royalty will be 12% of retail price. Borovy transferred 800 crowns as advance payment. TLS. [42 151]. 493. Methuen to IE 11 January 1923 With reference to Abs. 153, requests information on whether anything happened with the English edition of Lorentz et al. 1922 by Debendra M. Bose, Calcutta. TLSC. [67 961]. 494. From Secretary of Committee on Intellectual Cooperation 12 January 1923 Henri Bergson proposes to the General Assembly of the League of Nations to establish a center for artistic and scientific production and promotion in Capri. TLC (SzGeBNU, S408/No 5). [84 674]. 495. IE to Methuen 14 January 1923 In response to Abs. 491 and Abs. 493, there are no notes by Reinhold Fürth in Einstein1906b . Asks for the edition Methuen is talking about. Can find no trace of a let- ter by AE to Debendra M. Bose. TLC. [67 962]. 496. Methuen to IE 17 January 1923 Sends the contract regarding English edition of Einstein 1922t, the publication they mentioned in Abs. 493. Will send name of publisher of the Indian edition of Lorentz et al. 1922 to help IE reach Debendra M. Bose. This edition has reached England and would do harm to Methuen’s edition. TLSC. [67 955]. 497. Methuen to IE 18 January 1923 The publisher of the Indian edition of Lorentz et al. 1922 is the Calcutta University Press. TLSC. [67 956].
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