1 0 9 2 I N D E X criterion of, 724 in theories, 726 Tscherniawsky, (?), 862a Tschernichovsky, Saul, 687n Turner, Bertha, 840a Turner, John, on relativity and philosophy, 843a Turner, Julius C., portrait of AE by, 840a Turnowsky, Margarete, solicits support for Hebroni, 836a, 842a Unification of physical forces, 529 of relativity and quantum theory, Joachim on, 852a sought for by theoreticians, 133 Unified field theory, 676, 689 AE works on, 370n affine approach, characterized, 134 and exper- imental consequences, 105 aim of, 133 program of, 965 See also Affine theory, Weyl-Eddington theory United States of Europe AE on, 504c, 878a statement solicited from AE on, 846a Unity of gravitational and electromagnetic field, 133 of mass and energy, 128 only criterion for correctness, 79 systematic, as aim of knowledge, 724 Universe, finite but closed, 530 University, AE on necessity of, even though can- not be improved, 445 University of Cordoba, Argentina, Gumbel pro- posed for lecturer at, 838a University of La Plata, AE honorary member, 703n University of Leyden AE lectures at, 257 AE reappointed to, 865a jubilee of, 601, 665–666 University of Utrecht, offers AE position in 1911, 822a, 823a Universum Film-Gesellschaft, requests state- ment on educational films, 853a Untermyer, Alvin, 879a Untermyer, Samuel, 877a, 879a Uruguay, AE likes, 695–696 Ussishkin, Menahem (1863–1941), 110 Vaihinger, Hans (1852–1933), 844a, 887a Valentin, Veit, 145n Variational principle, 689 in affine theory, 196, 427 in quantum theory of ideal gas, 653 Vaz Ferreira, Carlos (1872–1958), 694, 704n, 753 Veblen, Oscar (1880–1960), 31n requests assis- tance for Maurice Holland, 868a Vegard, Lars, 806 Velden, Reinhard van der (1880–1941), 375 Venus, Courvoisier on observations of, 861a Veraguth, Otto, 830a on Eduard and Mileva in 1916/1917, 830a, 831a Verband jüdischer Studentenvereine in Deutsch- land, financial help for, 531, 615n, 891a, 896a Verein deutscher Eisenhüttenleute, requests arti- cle on metals, 862a Verein Naturschutzpark, appeal of, 883a, 890a Vienna, AE likes and prefers to Berlin, 507 Vieweg Publishing House Einstein 1917a, Romanian edition, 878a Einstein 1922c 2d edition, royalties for, 849a 2d edition is printed, 847a Russian edition, royalties for, 840a, 842a, 843a Vinogradov, Anatoly (1888–1946), 469, 616, 874a Virial theorem, 437 Viscosity, 762 of gases, 588 at low temperature, 589 Vlugt, Willem de (1872–1945), 289n Vollenhoven, Maria van (1900–?), 183n Waals, Johannes D. van der, Sr. (1837–1923), 288, 289n, 293, 854a equation of state, 103n law of corresponding states, 590 theory of, 102 Wagner, Paul, sends manuscript, 860a Wallal, eclipse expedition, 188n War Resisters’ International, 675n Warburg, Emil (1846–1931), xxxix, xlix, 254, 554n, 890a on AE as closest colleague, 247
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