I N D E X 1 0 9 3 on AE’s invitation to Columbia University, 247–248 AE declines, 254 on AE’s theory of geomagnetism, 248 founder of KWIP, 17n funds from Elektrophysikausschuss, 554 on ozone tubes, 248, 254 on research and character, 248, 254 Warburg, Felix, 869a Warburg, Käthe (1882–1948), 248n Warburg, Max, 869a, 870a international com- mittee on Jewish university in Poland, 869a Warburg, Otto (1859–1938), 57, 315, 375, 882a represents AE on Zionist conference, 444 Warburg, Otto H. (1883–1970), 146, 249n funds from Rockefeller Foundation, 305 Warburg, Paul M. (1868–1932), 257n, 262, 857a Warburg-Gartner, Elisabeth, 254 Wassermann, Bruno (1874–1940), lxxvii, lxxviii, 691, 692, 693, 723, 741, 743, 746 Wassermann, Jakob, 880a Wassermann, Oscar (1869–1934) AE sends condolences, 877a member of Jewish Agency, 219 Wassermann-Bornberg, Berta, 692, 693, 694, 742n, 743, 746 Watson, Earnest C., 599n Watson, George, 867a Wave equation, is covariant, 745 Weber, Heinrich F. (1843–1912), xlviii Weber, Josef on redshift from binaries, 844a, 851a, 854a requests AE’s help for position, 839a sends reprint on relativity, 840a on spectrum of Sirius, 836a, 837a, 839a, 841a, 842a Wechsler, Eduard, 17n Wechsler, Israel, 879a Wehnelt, Arthur (1871–1944), 251, 252 Weidner, Georg, 17n Weil, Erich, AE asked to help, 900a Weingartner, Felix, 860a Weiss, Pierre (1865–1940), 822a, 823a, 824a AE proposes Nobel Prize for, 220 Weißbarth, Alfred, requests AE to unify German peace movement, 898a Weizmann, Chaim (1874–1952), lxxii, lxxvii, lxxviii, 221, 313, 314, 315, 661, 662, 682, 683, 740n, 848a, 866a, 874a, 875a, 879a, 973 AE’s foreword to book of, 300–301, 856a, 858a, 859a, 861a on development of Hebrew University and Technion, 602, 603–604 on development of immigration in Palestine, 602 expects meeting with AE, 219 on inauguration of Hebrew University, 736 invites AE to a conference on Hebrew University, 406, 444, 445, 873a, 875a to inauguration of science institutes of He- brew University, 856a, 866a to join Jewish Agency, 218–219, 221, 856a to US, 339 on laying foundation stone of Einstein-Balfour Institute of Physics and Mathematics at He- brew University, 736 League of Nations, on Palestine mandate of, 602–603 on propaganda for Keren Hayesod, 603 success in Palestine conference of, 339 talks about Hebrew University in AE’s home, 896a Weizmann, Vera (1881–1966), 339n Welch, William, 876a Wells, H. G. (1866–1946), 638n Weltsch, Robert, on manuscript of Doc. 470, 900a Weltverband der jüdischen Studentenschaft, AE to serve as president of its committee, 882a, 883a, 886a, 888a Wentzel, Gregor (1898–1978), 874a Wenzl, Aloys, 844a, 887a finalist of Einstein Prize competition, 844a solicits AE’s opinion on Wenzl 1924, 880a Wereide, Thorstein, 806 Werner, Alfred, 824a Wertheimer, Max (1880–1943), 373 Wertheimer-Caro, Anna, 374n Wessel-Dreyfus, Marie (1875–1943), 165n Westphal, Wilhelm (1882–1978), 319, 838a, 851a, 862a asks AE to help Polianovskaia, 891a Wettl, Poldi, 706n, 708n Weyl, Hermann (1885–1955), xxxvii, xxxviii, 71, 73, 76, 127, 133, 194, 200, 283, 297, 303, 318, 345, 508, 834a, 871a, 965