5 9 8 I N D E X
developing television apparatus, 78–79, 87
Schweizerische Auer-Aktien-Gesellschaft
(SAG), AE’s shares in, xlii, 281n
Science, 274
Science policy, in Germany, France, and the US,
Loeb on, 229
Scientific Examination Board
AE member of, 452c
honorarium for examination matters, 449c
Scott, William, 443c; invites AE to meeting of
American Philosophical Society, 441c, 442c
Selection rules, Sommerfeld on, 320–321
Selety, Franz (1893–1933?), 170; cosmology pa-
per by, 397–398
Shaw, George B. (1856–1950), 456c
Sherrington, Charles S., 429c, 456c
Shipley, A. E., 429c
Siemens, Friedrich C. (1877–1952), on AE’s cri-
tique of his essay, 74–76
Siemens, Karl Friedrich (1872–1941), 203
Siemens & Halske AG, 203
Siemens corporation, 362
Siemens-Helmholtz, Ellen (1864–1941), 351–
352, 352n, 355; invites AE, 351–352
Siemens-Schuckert Werke, 203n
Siemsen, Hans, 239n
Signal Co., legal dispute with Atlas Works, 482c
Silberstein, Ludwik (1872–1948), lii, 177, 177n,
314n, 451c
on AE’s declining Chicago position, 375
on AE’s interview on US, 221, 227
on AE’s “On Reporters,” 273–274; AE on, 300
on atmosphere in Germany, 275
lectures on relativity at University of Chicago,
220, 227, 273
on Michelson’s rotational experiment to test
ether drag, 177n, 241, 228, 275, 375–376
on observational contradiction of special rela-
tivity, 221, 227–228, 239–240; AE on, 300–
301, 375
offers AE professorship at University of Chica-
go, 274–275
proposed as assistant professor at University of
Chicago, 274
Silverman, Alexander, invites AE to University
of Pittsburgh, 442c, 445c
Simmel, Georg, 451c
Simon, Julius, 323n
Simultaneity, AE on Bennett’s definition of,
Sitter, Willem de (1872–1934), 469c, 473c
on coordinate condition 9–10
on motion of moon, 10
on relativity, 8–10
on the ether, 10
Slowo. See Publishers
Small, Lennington, 448c
Smith Woodward, A., 429c
Société Française des Pays Danubiens, 338
Sodium D lines, 388
Sokolow, Nachum, 90n
Solar eclipse of 1922, 262, 468c
Solar eclipse expeditions to test general relativ-
ity, 376, 510a
Soldner, Johann von (ca. 1777–1833), light de-
flection paper by, xxxix
Born on, 399
Lenard on, 363
Weyl on, 381
Solids, equation of state of, 244
Solovine, Maurice (1875–1958), xxxi, xlii, 122,
135, 144, 151, 188, 199, 432c, 437c, 470c,
on AE’s US tour, 107, 135–136, 136
on Fabre, 107, 136, 145–146, 197
on French translation of Einstein 1921c, 106
on new French edition of Einstein 1917a, 253
offers French translation of AE’s US and Lon-
don lectures, 197, 204, 205, 252, 253, 472c,
planned trip to US, 205
on possible effects of Jewish nationalism, 136
reasons for not joining Zionism, 136
requests AE’s help to get invitation to lecture in
US, 197, 205
on resistance to AE’s theories in France, 145
on success of AE’s French editions, 145, 197
as translator of Einstein 1920j, 106, 135, 425c,
426c, 431c
Solovine, Minnie (1856–1944), 107, 205
Soloweitschik, Max (1883–1957), introduces
Berger, 384
Solvay, Ernest (1838–1922), 95
Solvay Congress, Third, xxix, 43, 44n, 47, 50, 56,
84, 95, 96, 109, 124, 129, 228n
AE will not attend, 129, 206
de Haas’s planned lecture at, 54
Ehrenfest stands in for Bohr at, 56, 84
Sommerfeld, Arnold (1868–1951), xliii, xlix, 4n,
26, 130, 139, 141, 286n, 341, 350, 461c
g 1, =
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