C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 6 9
Aug 30 TLS from Franz Rusch. Remembers AE’s lecture at the 85th
GDNÄ meeting in Salzburg (Einstein 1909c). Lacks spe-
cialist literature in Tientsin. Makes efforts to introduce Chi-
nese students to modern physical theories. Prefers Japanese
to Chinese. Expresses low opinion of American higher edu-
cation. Solicits AE’s papers. [44 829].
Aug 31 TLS from Erwin Freundlich. Ludendorff, the new director
of the Astrophysical Observatory, intends to nominate
Walter G. Hassenstein, Gustav F. Schnauder, and Baron
Emanuel von der Pahlen to three free positions. The first
two were selected for their family relations and not for their
capabilities, and the third, a Russian, would take away the
position from a German candidate. Freundlich requests that
AE warn the Ministry of Education of the plan. [11 160].
before Sep 2 Victor Moritz Goldschmidt and his wife Amelia visit with
the Einsteins in Berlin. Amelia to Elsa Einstein, 2 Sep 1921.
[120 475].
Sep 5 [PD] to Paul Faraday. Asking him for an autograph of
Michael Faraday, confirming that his favorite composers are
Bach and Mozart, and that he is fond of children. American
Book Prices Current 1983–1984. Autographs & Manu-
scripts. [76 670].
TLS from Luigi Ansbacher on an article published in the
Corriere della sera on AE’s theories. [43 056].
TLS from Max Barthel. Requests a visit with AE of a repre-
sentative of the Committee for the Organising of Relief for
the Starving Population of Russia by the Workers of All
Countries. [44 844].
Sep 6 Tr from a letter to Maja Winteler-Einstein in Pierre Spe-
ziali’s hand: “Liebe Maja! Ich habe K. Paulis Brief
geschickt. … ” [81 470].
ALS from Willem de Sitter. Subsequent to AE’s promise to
Paul Ehrenfest to come to Leyden on 6 Nov, Arthur S.
Eddington and James Jeans have also been invited to visit
there on 10 Nov. [20 577].
TLC from IE to Oskar von Miller. AE cannot attend the 23
Aug annual meeting of the Deutsches Museum in Munich,
but suggests early Nov for a short visit there to record the
“tone portrait” (Stimmporträt). [43 547].