C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 7 3
tains, but will become shorter, and the disk will take on the
shape of a dome. [25 046].
Sep 30 TLS from David Dominicus & Co., a company in Rem-
scheid that produces and exports saws, scissors, files, etc.
The amount of 1,115.56 M was transferred to AE’s account
in the Dresdener Bank, Depositenkasse, Kaiserallee 190.
The sum is 12% interest on the 50,000 M that was trans-
ferred to the company on 25 Jul. [43 562].
Oct 1 Elected to the Deutsches Museum board at its meeting.
GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 933.
Oct 4 TLS to Wilhelm Bölsche. Suggests Rudolf Lämmel as
collaborator. [83 835].
TLC from IE to Muller (Methuen) on behalf of AE. Has
no time to prepare another lecture for publication. The
English edition of Lorentz et al. 1920 must have already
been translated into English by George B. Jeffery (see
Vol. 10, Doc. 230) but has not heard of it for a long time.
Advises they turn to Jeffery for information. [69 005].
TLS from Karl Kumpmann. Proposes 4 Dec 1921, 8 and 12
Feb 1922, or any Sunday between Nov and Feb as date of
AE’s lecture in Düsseldorf. It is planned for the Rittersaal of
the city music center, 11 A.M. [43 596].
Oct 5 Dft to Karl Kumpmann in IE’s hand. The only available
dates for the lecture are 26 or 27 Nov, as he will be in the
vicinity of Düsseldorf at the time. As topic he proposes
“Über die neuesten Wandlungen der Grundlagen der Physik
in den letzten 20 Jahren.” [43 597].
Oct 6 TLS from [J.] von Borosini (German Embassy in Rome).
The Rome newspaper Epoca solicits a popular article in
Italian, to be published before AE’s three lectures in
Bologna. [43 530].
ALS from Jacobus E. de Vos van Steenwijk. Offers the
reduction of 139 Venus and 9 Mercury observations pub-
lished in the Brisbane Catalog of 1823–1825. Can only
present the declinations. [20 579].
after Oct 6 Dft to Jacobus E. de Vos van Steenwijk in IE’s hand. Sug-
gests he send the data to Willem de Sitter, a well-known
specialist in relativistic astronomical calculations. [20 580].
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