4 7 0 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
Sep 7 Dft in IE’s hand to Granville Bantock. In Oct, he will deliver
lectures in Italy, in Nov in Leyden. He must also spend
some time in Berlin. As soon as the opportunity arises, he
will accept the invitation from the University of Birming-
ham. [43 271].
Dft in IE’s hand to Maurice Solovine. Is working hard on
Einstein 1922c. Doubts that Solovine can cope with the
mathematics in the planned translation. Does not expect to
complete the manuscript before Solovine’s trip to the U.S.
[21 151].
TLS from Muller (Methuen). Expects an answer to his letter
of 29 Jul. Attaches gift copies of Manning 1921 and
Schmidt 1921. [67 973].
TLS from Willi Münzenberg. Accepts AE’s resignation and
will not use his name in further publications. [44 847].
Sep 9 Dft in IE’s hand to [Stiller?] German Consulate. Will hardly
have any time to lecture in Florence; only hopes to spend a
few hours there to see the sights. [43 539].
Sep 10 Tgm to Paul Ehrenfest: “Platz genug erwarten dich.”
[9 568].
after Sep 10 Paul Ehrenfest visits in Berlin.
Sep 12 TLC from IE to M&Co. Cover letter to the account of run-
ning expenses for the period of 1 Apr to 31 Jul. Requests
1,000 M to transfer to the cash-office of the KWIP. In addi-
tion to small expenses for paper and mail, the only major
amount in the account is IE’s monthly salary of 250 M.
[77 899], [77 712].
TLC from IE to Muller (Methuen) on AE’s behalf. Apolo-
gizes for the late answer. Leaves the English edition of Ein-
stein 1920j and 1921c to Methuen, and asks for 15% of the
book price as royalty. [67 973.1].
TLS from Federigo Enriques. Requests exact date of arrival
and titles of AE’s lectures in Bologna, so that he can arrange
the venue and the list of invited guests. The abstract of lec-
tures could be translated into Italian during Enriques’s par-
ticipation in Naples as chairman of the Italian Association
of Mathematicians congress, to be held 13–16 Oct. [9 231].