C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 2 9
The British Committee for Aiding Men of Letters and Sci-
ence in Russia, composed of Montague of Beaulieu, Ernest
Barker, E. P. Cathcart, A. S. Eddington, I. Gollancz, R. A.
Gregory, P. Chalmers Mitchell, Bernard Pares, Arthur
Schuster, C. S. Sherrington, A. E. Shipley, H. G. Wells,
A. Smith Woodward, and C. Hagberg Wright, solicits sub-
scription for assistance in sending books to the House of
Science and the House of Literature and Art in Moscow,
given the “great privation,” “exhaustion,” and deprivations
suffered by the scientists (and the entire population) of
North Russia. Science, New Series, Vol. 53, No. 1361 (28
January 1921): 93–94.
after Jan 28 Dft to Louis G. Du Pasquier in IE’s hand. Declines writing a
foreword, in keeping with similar replies he gave to others
over the last years. [19 027].
Jan 29 TLC to Dresdner Bank. Asks for money transfer of
50,000 M from his account to that of his father-in-law,
Rudolf Einstein. [43 570].
Dft to R. de Waard (Utrechtsch Studenten Corps) in IE’s
hand. Declines their invitation, since the mere idea of deliv-
ering a popular lecture fills him with horror. [45 169].
ADft to Otto Weiss. Accepts the honorary membership of
the Physikalisch-ökonomische Gesellschaft. [30 133].
TLS from Evelyn N. Wagner, Berlin correspondent for the
London Observer, requesting an interview. Is particularly
interested in AE’s pacifist efforts and mentions his conver-
sations with Dombrowski and Kenwick of the Chronicle.
[45 192].
The Berliner Tageblatt, ME, publishes a correction received
from AE that he has “neither received an invitation” from,
nor is he planning to lecture in, Paris.
Jan 31 TL from Attorney Halpert to Otto Lehmann-Russbüldt of
the BNV, proposing that they meet with AE and Hellmut
von Gerlach on 5 Feb to discuss bringing charges of slander
against Rudolf Lebius for his calls in the Staatsbürger-Zei-
tung of 9 Jan to murder BNV members such as AE and
Gerlach. [44 307].
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