4 5 6 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
received equal votes for the other vacant senator seat.
Requests vote for these two persons by mail. [77 054].
TLS from Keller on behalf of Adolf von Harnack. Forwards
Max Born’s application for KWIP funding, submitted to the
KWG. [77 337].
ALS from George F. Moore. Expresses his appreciation of
AE’s lecture delivered at the American Academy of Arts
and Sciences. [36 203].
TKS from Vieweg. The honoraria for the French and Rus-
sian editions of Einstein 1917a have arrived. Asks for remit-
tance instructions. [42 094].
Jun 8 Arrives in Liverpool. Times (London), 9 Jun.
ALS from Emil Ludwig. Sends two thick volumes (most
likely Vols. 2 and 3 of Ludwig 1920). He has not received
Einstein 1917a, sent last fall. [34 149].
Jun 9 Addresses the Jewish Students’ Society at the University of
Manchester on the question of a Hebrew university.
Manchester Guardian, 10 Jun; Jewish Chronicle, 17 Jun.
Awarded honorary Doctor of Science degree by the Univer-
sity of Manchester, to which he delivers the Adamson Lec-
ture on relativity in Whitworth Hall to an audience of
approx. 1,000 in German. Manchester Guardian, 10 Jun;
Jewish Chronicle, 3 Jun; and Nature 107 (1921): 504.
Jun 10 Attends meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society in Lon-
don, at which Arthur S. Eddington gives an account of the
expeditions to verify general relativity.
As guest of Richard Haldane, attends a dinner with Randall
Thomas Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury; Charles
Sherrington, president of the Royal Society; Frank W.
Dyson, the Astronomer Royal; Arthur S. Eddington, Joseph
J. Thomson, Alfred N. Whitehead, and others. George B.
Shaw attends, among others, the after-dinner reception.
Times (London), 11 Jun.
Zionist Organisation in London will not hold any Zionist
receptions or meetings in AE’s honor “in compliance with
his express wish,” as he is “very exhausted after his strenu-
ous tour through the United States” (“Professor Einstein in
London To-day.” J.C.B. Service). [85 114]).
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