C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 6 1
Book Prices Current 1929–1980, Autographs & Manu-
scripts. [76 831].
Jun 30 TLS to Hans Vaihinger. Lacking time, he cannot enter into a
dispute with Oskar Kraus. He is, however, prepared to
answer well-formulated questions by another philosopher.
[72 144].
ALS from Methuen. Sent a remittance of £93 13 8 to Paul
Ehrenfest as royalties earned until 30 Jun 1921 for the fifth
English edition of Einstein 1917a. [69 006].
Jul 1 Is dinner guest of the president of the German Red Cross,
Joachim von Winterfeldt-Menkin, attended by German
president Friedrich Ebert, his cabinet, as well as members of
the Prussian government and the chief mayor of Berlin. Cit-
ing his warm welcome in Boston, Washington, and Prince-
ton, reports on his American visit and the gradual lessening
of American animosity toward Germany. He also notes
receptivity toward international cooperation between schol-
ars during his trip to England. Frankfurter Zeitung, 30 Jun;
New York Times, 2 Jul.
TLS from Esteban Terradas é Illa. Invites for winter semes-
ter or next spring to lecture at the University of Barcelona.
Hermann Weyl, Arnold Sommerfeld, and Kasimir Fajans
are being considered to lecture there, too. Offers an honorar-
ium of 3,000 pesetas. [43 170].
Jul 3 AE speaks at a meeting of the Zionistische Vereinigung für
Deutschland, held at the Hotel Kaiserhof in Berlin in honor
of AE’s return. AE declares: “Wenn er den Zionismus unter-
stütze, glaube er vor allem den Frieden zu fördern; denn die
unter Führung der Zionisten sich vollziehende Erneuerung
des Judentums müsse den Freunden des Weltfriedens neue
Zuversicht geben.” “Einstein über die Friedensmission des
Zionismus.” Vossische Zeitung, 5 Jul, ME.
TLC to L. Scherk. Apologizes for the inconvenience caused
by his credulousness and by Schegin’s misuse of his letter of
recommendation. [44 943].
Jul 4 “An Interview with Professor Albert Einstein” is published
(Vol. 7, Appendix D).
TLS from Vieweg. Received AE’s letter and a card, for-
warded by him, requesting permission for a Romanian