4 6 8 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
kind could thus be constructed. Offers the idea to AE to use
it for the benefit of science and the Jewish people. [25 007].
after Aug 17 Dft in IE’s hand to Curt Bamberger. The idea is unrealiz-
able, since the dynamical equilibrium of a system compris-
ing both gaseous and nongaseous components is
independent of the construction of the nongaseous part of
the system. [25 008].
Aug 18 TLS from German Consul [Stiller?]. Is informed by Baronin
Jahn Rusconi, a relative of AE’s sister, that AE is planning
to lecture at the University of Bologna in winter. Invites to a
lecture to the German colony in Florence as well. [43 538].
Aug 20 Invited to Russia. Berliner Tageblatt, EE, 1st Supplement.
before Aug 22 Returns to Berlin from Wustrow/Kiel. His sons join their
mother, who is spending her vacation in Wyk. Mileva Ein-
stein-Maric; to Helene Savic;, late Aug–early Sep 1921.
Aug 24–27 Attends meeting of the Astronomical Society in Potsdam,
during which the Einstein-Tower is inaugurated. Appointed
to a commission to consider mounting an expedition to
observe the solar eclipse of 22 Sep 1922. Tägliche Rund-
schau 26 Aug; Naturwissenschaften 1921, p. 839ff; and
Astronomische Nachrichten 214 (1922): col. 99.
Aug 26 “On the Founding of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem”
is published (Vol. 7, Doc. 62).
ALS from Megh Nad Saha. To continue his research in
high-temperature physics after returning from Germany to
India, he solicits a letter of recommendation to an Indian
company that would give him financial help. [44 866].
TLS from Julius Springer. Attaches a letter from Renais-
sance requesting permission to Polish edition of Einstein
1920j. Even though AE reserved the right to negotiate the
financial conditions of permissions, offers his services as a
mediator. [41 1012].
Aug 27 On the Astronomers’ Day in Potsdam, together with Arthur
Eddington, participates in a discussion of Hugo von Zeipel’s
account of his determination of the distribution of stars in
star clusters. Berliner Tageblatt, EE.
TD from Prof. Carl Störmer, Christiania. Errata page for
unidentified article, in French. [45 077], [45 079].