C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 4 1
Apr 2 Arrives at Pier 7 in Hoboken, N.J. Together with other
members of the Zionist Organisation delegation, waited
until the end of the Jewish Sabbath to disembark. They
receive official welcome by Mayor Hylan’s office in Battery
Park, New York City, and are greeted by enthusiastic crowds
as the delegation proceeds through the Lower East Side to
the Hotel Commodore in uptown Manhattan. New York
American, 3 Apr; New York Times, 2 and 3 Apr; Yidishes
TageblattJewish Daily News, 3 Apr 1921; Weizmann 1949,
p. 266.
Co-signs Tgm to Yiddish newspaper, Der Tog, together with
Chaim Weizmann, Menachem Ussishkin, and Ben-Zion
Mossinson, in which greetings are sent on behalf of “the
Zionist Organization and Palestine Jewry to American
Jews.” Mentions the “spiritual regeneration” symbolized by
the Hebrew University, whose realization is “guaranteed by
whole-hearted participation Keren Hayesod.” (Weizmann
Archives, Yad Chaim Weizmann); Wasserstein 1977a,
p. 176.
TLC from Adolf von Harnack. Requests KWIP budget for
fiscal year 1921–22 with the same figures as those for
1920–21. [77 962].
Apr 3 ALS from Karl Försterling. His work on temperature depen-
dence of metal constants in the infrared region has been sup-
ported with 2,000 M by KWIP since the summer of 1918
(the correct year is 1919). Because he cannot continue with
the same topic in Jena, where he intends to move from Dan-
zig for his Habilitation, he proposes two other subjects: the
study of the Paschen-Back effect for hydrogen, and the
study of thermal expansion of NaCl and similar crystals at
low temperatures. Requests permission to use the funds for
either of these topics that the KWIP accepts. [78 013].
Apr 4 TLS from William B. Scott. Extends invitation to lecture at
the general meeting of the American Philosophical Society,
23–25 Apr. [36 231].
TL from IE to Jewish Community of Berlin. Refers to
Doc. 8, and insists that the matter is closed. [35 104].
Apr 5 Mayor John F. Hylan welcomes the Zionist delegation at
New York City Hall Park. New York Evening Post.
Freedom of New York City is refused to Chaim Weizmann
and AE. New York Call, New York Times, 6 Apr.