9 6 0 I N D E X on free selection of physical principles, 335 Kantians, 214 logical character of a theory, 233, 234 of quanta, 77 Reichenbach’s axiomatics, 214 on relativity as logical system of representing spatio-temporal events, 335 relativity has nothing to do with relativism, 876 truth cannot be found by pure speculation, 371 Photochemical effects, and wave theory of light, 97 Photochemistry, Warburg’s work on, 355 Photoelectric effect, 97, 459, 803a Nobel Prize for discovery of law of, 592 Physics aim of, 454 tool for bringing order to experience, 335 Phythian-Adams, W. J., 578n Pictet, Raoul (1846–1929), 222 Pieron, Henri (1881–1964), on psychological and Einsteinian times, 249–250 Pinkevich, Albert, 352n Pittaluga, Gustavo, 586n Planck, Max (1858-1947), l, lv, lxxvi, 201n, 206, 211, 248, 285, 324, 392, 400, 403, 434n, 458, 469, 555, 592n, 593, 713n, 746n, 795a, 804a, 809a AE, on threats on life of, 398 on AE’s canceling lecture at GDNÄ, 469 on AE’s plan of a Berlin physics congress with international participation, 317 on AE’s visit to Paris, 164 on granting funds to Grotrian, 796a Laue, requests to lecture at GDNÄ centenary, 397, 398 proposes Bohr as corresponding member of PAW, 141n Planck’s constant, 460 Planck’s radiation formula, 97, 99, 458 empirical measurement by Warburg, 356 Plans, Josep, 585n, 586n, 860, 875 Plücker, Julius (1801–1868), 267 Pohl, Robert, 464 Poincaré, Henri (1854–1912), 229, 239, 256, 335, 529, 640n, 809a, 837, 841, 845 compared with AE, 230 electron stresses, 886 philosophy of, AE on, 239 pressure forces in theory of electron, 66 Poincaré, Raymond (1860–1934), 156n, 339n, 480 approves AE’s invitation to Paris, 190n Point coincidence argument, first formulation of, 29n Poisson equation, 524, 880 Pol, Balthasar van der (1889–1953), 122 Polak, Michael, 581n Polanyi, Michael (1891–1976) requests recommendation for Brody, 187 AE on, 195 on spectral distribution, 85–86 Pole effect, measured on Mount Wilson, 109 Polyatomic molecules, quantization of, Born on, 464 Pordas, Antonio, 563 Port Said, 534, 557, 561 Posse, Hans, invites AE in honorary committee of German Pavilion on 13th International Ex- hibition in Venice, 789a Posse, Knut (1866–1932), 616, 830a, 832a Prado, lxx, 563, 781, 782 Prange, G., 267 Prausnitz, Paul, 827a Press, Yeshayahu, 577n Pressure broadening of spectral lines, 423 Pringsheim, Peter (1881–1963), xxxiv, xxxix, 301n, 317 on experiment on nature of light, 423–425 requests KWIP funds for quartz absorption tubes, 824a Probability AE on, 6–7 definition in kinetic theory, 6 Mises’s theory of, 297 observable in principle, 6 Zilsel on concept of, 296 Protein molecule, acts as acid or base, AE on, 471, 518–519 Loeb on, 495 Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap, awards AE foreign membership, 814a Prussian Ministry of Culture, 793a, 794a Psychology, compared to epistemology, 288 Psychophysical parallelism, Fechner on, 335 Spinoza on, 335 Publishers Audace, 814a, 815a Barth, 284 Borovy, 826a Calcutta University Press, 826a Gauthier-Villars, 132, 187, 791a, 793a, 796a, 803a, 804a, 810a
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