3 0 0 D O C U M E N T 1 6 4 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 6 TTrLS (IL-RWW). [71 143]. The letter includes the transcribed letterhead “The Board of Governors The Hebrew University, P.O.B. 30, Jerusalem.” [1]See Doc. 142, which is actually dated 29 December. [2]Leo Kohn. [3]Einstein objected to Magnes’s sending out his own version of the minutes of the second meeting of the board. For the discrepancies in the roles assigned to Kohn in the versions of the minutes sent out by Einstein and Magnes, respectively, see Doc. 142, note 1. [4]Magnes had been elected chancellor of the Hebrew University at the second meeting of the board (see Doc. 142, note 1). [5]Solomon Ginzberg. According to the second version of the minutes, he had also been elected registrar of the university (see Doc. 142, note 1). [6]Ginzberg had been the inspector in education for the British Mandatory Authority in Palestine. [7]Magnes sent his copious notes to Julian W. Mack (see “Notes on the Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University Munich, Sept. 23rd and 24th, 1925,” enclosed in “Judah L. Magnes to Julian W. Mack, 4 November 1925 [OCAJA, Felix M. Warburg Papers, MS-457, box 220, folder 1, published in Goren 1982, pp. 242–252]).