4 6 2 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
translation of Einstein 1917a. Vieweg doubts the success of
translations not managed by a publisher. Thanks for AE’s
consent to a new German edition. Repeatedly asks whether
AE would agree with the edition of Einstein 1920j and
1921c as separate booklets, as was done with Niels Bohr’s
lectures. [42 098].
Jul 5 TLS from Muller (Methuen). Thanks for the card of 22 Jun.
Attaches an agreement form on the publication of the
Princeton lectures. Requests introductions to leading Ger-
man professors, since he intends to visit Germany with the
purpose of finding scientific books that would have good
sales in England. [67 987].
Jul 6 TLC from George H. Lepper. Asks that AE publish the
names of the ten men whom AE is quoted as claiming to
understand relativity. Raises several points intended to
refute relativity theory, including a question as to why AE
has “ignored” refraction in the solar corona and the purely
Newtonian gravitational attraction as contributors to the
deflection of starlight near the Sun. Claims that AE’s expla-
nation of the anomalous perihelion advance of Mercury fails
when applied to other bodies in the solar system; that obser-
vation of stellar Doppler shifts falsifies the special theory of
relativity, and that the null result of the Michelson-Morley
experiment was due to a failure to account for the motion of
the Earth through space properly.
TLS from L. Scherk. Sends a copy of his letter to Police
Station 8. Wishes to get it back. Leaves Berlin, but will
address the matter after his return. [44 945].
Jul 7 Meeting of the KWIP board of directors.
Envelope addressed to AE, with return address, “Mrs. Nell
Boni Genthinertsr. 13 Villa G. Berlin W.,” and postmarked
“Berlin W. 7.7.21. 3-4 N.,” with typed designation
“Drucksache.” [43 245].
An excerpted German version of “An Interview …” is pub-
lished in Berliner Tageblatt. Its English translation, without
the British impressions, appears in the New York Times,
8 Jul (Vol. 7, Appendix D).
Jul 9 ALS to [?]. “Il remercie son correspondant d’un cadeau qui
lui a fait un plaisir immense et s’excuse de ce que le surcroît
de travail qui l’attendait à son retour l’ait empêché de répon-