C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 3 5
TLS to Friedrich Glum. The KWIP does not have associates
and assistants that could participate in the festivities; AE
himself will not be able to attend since he will be out of
town; neither can he contribute to the special issue of Die
Naturwissenschaften as he is overwhelmed with work and
duties. [77 040].
ALS. Recommendation for Juda Lehmann for admission to
the Berlin Technical University. Praises his keen interest in
science and higher than average capabilities. He had worked
in Oscar Starke’s laboratory at the Technical University of
Aachen, where he had been denied admission. [44 281].
Mar 4 TLS from Slowo. A Miss Seizew (Zajtsev) “from a Bolshe-
vist publishing house” approached Slowo for permission to
publish a new translation of Einstein 1917a with the new
Russian orthography. Even though she referred to AE’s con-
sent and authorization, Slowo cannot accommodate the
request. [41 1031].
Mar 4/7 Together with Walther Nernst, recommends Max von Laue
and Hans Ludendorff as director of the Astrophysical
Observatory, Potsdam. GyBAW, I-XIIIuu, Bd. 2, Bl. 7a–7c.
Mar 7 TLS to KWIP board of trustees. KWIP board of directors
proposes 2,000 M to Reinhold Fürth for measurement of the
elementary quantum; 10,000 M to Clemens Schaefer for
purchase of a Panzer electrometer for silicate research in the
IR spectral range; 5,000 M to Eugen Jahnke for the publica-
tion of Physikalische Berichte; 2,000 M to Jakob Grommer
for relativistic calculations; and 1,000 M to Heinrich
Rubens for radiation measurements. Proposes the election
of Max von Laue to the board of directors. Informs that
Peter Debye is requested to publish the resolutions of the
board regularly in the Physikalische Zeitschrift. GyMerSa,
Rep. 76 Vc, Sekt. 2, Tit. 23, Litt. A, Nr. 116, Bl. 71–71v.
[77 334].
TLS from Springer. Einstein 1921c will be printed in 3,000
copies at first, but demand will be high. Asks how many free
copies AE desires and whether he prefers to receive 20% of
book price in stores, or 50% of the overall income. Also
inquires about AE’s demand for Einstein 1920j. [41 1067].
Mar 8 TL to German Consulate in Reval. He has received permis-
sion for several Russian scholars to enter the country. As he
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