4 2 4 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
requests for translation of Einstein 1917a, one of them from
Huber (Poland). [42 081].
TLS from R. de Waard. The Philosophical Faculty of the
Utrechtsch Studenten Corps solicits a popular lecture on the
theory of relativity for next semester. [45 168].
Jan 6 Arrives in Prague, and stays at the home of Philipp Frank.
TL/DftS from H. A. Lorentz. Invites to the April meeting of
the Dutch Society of Sciences. Attaches preliminary pro-
gram and requests comments. The proposed length of lec-
tures is an hour. Envisages distributing copies of texts
around 15 Feb. [82 642].
Jan 7 Lectures in Prague to Urania, followed by a reception.
Bohemia, 9 Jan, 1st Supplement.
ALS from Francesco Cosentini. The International Institute
of Sociology (Torino) invites AE to its conference on the
theory of relativity and its application in social sciences. An
honorarium of at least 500 lire is offered. [43 493].
Jan 8 Discussion evening with Oskar Kraus at Urania in Prague.
Bohemia, 11 Jan, 1st Supplement.
Jan 9 Leaves Prague and arrives in Vienna. Stays at Felix Ehren-
haft’s home in Vienna XIX, Grinzingerstrasse 70, Apt. 8.
Rudolf Lebius calls for the murder of Einstein and other
members of the Bund “Neues Vaterland.” Staatsbürger-
TLS from Clemens Schaefer. Requests support from KWIP
for research on infrared eigenvibrations of silicates. Sum-
marizes past research on SiO3. Thanks for continued sup-
port of research project. [77 598].
Jan 10 As guest of the Austrian Chemisch-physikalische Gesell-
schaft, delivers his first lecture, on special relativity, in the
Institute of Chemistry of the University of Vienna. Neues
Wiener Tagblatt, 11 Jan. Neue Freie Presse, 11 Jan.
AKS (excerpt) to Clothilde Benedigkt, Vienna. “… weil
man mir nachsagte, dass ich Zeitungsreklame für mich bzw.
meine Theorie betriebe. Ich wohne bei Prof. Ehrenhaft
(Physiker an der Universität) …” Dorotheum Kunstpalais,
Vienna, auction catalog, No. 483 (1986), p. 10. [81 631].