4 6 0 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
Jun 24 TLS from Max Frischeisen-Köhler. Oskar Kraus has pre-
pared a paper on the philosophical aspects of the theory of
relativity for the Kant-Studien. For the sake of objectivity,
he requests a paper from AE as well, to be published in the
same issue. [23 135].
Jun 27 Address “On a Jewish Palestine” is delivered at a “mass
rally” under the slogan “The Development of Palestine as a
Task of Jewry” in the Blüthner-Saal in Berlin (Vol. 7, Docs.
59 and 60, and Jüdische Rundschau, 24 Jun 1921; Berliner
Morgenpost, 25 Jun 1921; and Frankfurter Zeitung, 1 Jul).
The lecture attracted such a large crowd outside the lecture
hall that the police had to regulate street traffic. AE was
received to “jubilant applause” by the audience. Wiener
Morgenzeitung, 1 and 7 Jul.
TLS from Vieweg. Transferred 17,264 M. Considering a
new edition of Einstein 1917a of about 3,000 copies. Asks
whether lectures delivered in the U.S. and England can be
published as appendixes. Sends two corrections from a
respectable source to consider as candidates for errata.
Methuen transferred Vieweg’s share for about 7,000 copies;
asks whether AE has received his share. [42 096].
Jun 28 ALS to R. Accademia delle Scienze, Bologna. Expresses his
gratitude for having been elected corresponding member.
His forthcoming October visit to Italy, so beloved in his
youth, promises to be a great experience for him. [78 660].
IE to Vieweg on behalf of AE. The lectures delivered in the
U.S. and in England are not suitable for appending to Ein-
stein 1917a. AE has no objections to a new edition, and
does not think any corrections, except for typographical
ones, are necessary. Confirms the receipt of 17,264 M.
[42 097].
TLS from L. Scherk. Has given financial support to Sche-
gin, a student of medicine, for his subsistence and studies,
primarily because Schegin referred to AE’s letters of recom-
mendation; Schegin also informed him that he was working
on the Russian translation of AE’s work with AE’s help.
Lately, doubts have arisen about Schegin’s trustworthiness,
and he asks AE for further information. [44 942].
Jun 29 Co-signs a letter explaining reasons for the delayed appear-
ance of recent issues of a mathematical journal. American