D O C U M E N T 2 4 5 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 1 2 8 9
I represent here The Kaizo, a Japanese monthly paper which has the circulation
of 50,000 and it would corresponds to English or American paper The Nation.
Amongst our contributers are Messrs. Prof. Bertrand Russell, Prof. John Dewey, H.
G. Wells, Sidney Webb, Karl Kautsky and others. Amongst Japanese contributers
are Prof. Dr.
Prof. Dr.
and others. We published last year
Prof. Ishihara’s article on the Theory of Relativity, and since then we are publishing
nearly almost every month about it. Now the interpretation of, or the discussion on
the Theory of Relativity is the center of the academic study and interest, and it has
even the greatest popularity inour country.
We have intended to invite you to our country last year. Including this Great mis-
sion, I have started for my world tour at the end of last year. I have come here about
a month ago through America and England.
As I have already asked you through Japanese Embassy we wish to invite you to
Japan for lecture for about three month including travel to there and come back
here. Our offer is 2000 pound sterling for your lectur including travelling expenses.
I think it must be very trouble to you to be invited to such a distant land as our coun-
try, especially after your return from America. Neverthless we, representing stu-
dents in science in the far east, are so anxious to invite you for the development of
science. Would you be kindly accept our eager desire at your convenient time? Our
land is very fine in its spring. cherry blossoms, lotus flowers and other pretty blos-
soms and flowers would be waiting the coming of the time when they can honour
the name of the greatest scientist and also a musician.
Besides this we also wish to have your article or articles or the one copy of your
article which you would write for some other magagines or for your books. Prof.
Bertrand Russell suggested us to ask you some articles on political or social prob-
lems. On whatever the problem may be please let me have it or them. Our offer is
thirty pound for every 3,000 words.
These two business are my chief mission from Tokio and also the main mission
of my world tour. Please let me have the honour to fullfil this great mission.
Yours very trully
Koshin Murobuse
editor of The “Kaizo” (Wiederaufrichtung)
TLS. [36 418].
[1]Dated by the fact that Doc. 246 is a reply to the letter.
[2]Ayao Kuwaki.
[3]A variant of Jun Ishiwara’s second name.
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